
Like WOW stickers in NY.

I think it looks great. No, I’m not gonna buy one.

Hot (Sauce) Take: HS never scored against the “all my life” DE. Dude’s owed a strong fitty.

The only one close to filling the hole left by Prince.


Ah man, when Keenum releases the ball and the sound drops out and the camera just lingers on him... that’s the good shit.

So many Tom Brady’s got sumthin’ ’ t prove scripts in progress in Bristol (I don’t listen to talk radio...such takes already being taken?)

What are the odds Simmons had/s a fantasy team Teddy Brewskis?

No it isn’t. It’s “San Fran.”

may be a shoebox from the outside but live with one for a week and you might be looking for more shoes

Goddam that Simpson’s thread by eatblockchain & co. is funny

I can’t believe this makes me kind of like Belichick.

GREAT piece. A Jets fan, I loved Franco growing up. Tatum’s description of him thundering to the end zone is awesome.

Exactly. The NFL, NHL, MLB and NHL are glorified trade associations, like PhRMA, the Chamber, NAM etc. And trade association heads are paid a lot to be the (ugh) shield between an angry public/angry legislators and their members.

ahem: Missa Whulwai

He also told Tarantino to eliminate the gimp.

We’re a nation of adultoddlers, that’s why. Transformers Jeeps! Cosplay! Showing your wee-wees at work-work!

Yes - they’re “visibly shaken” because they knew.