
I knew we’d convert you.

I was going to skip to the comments and say how dare you tell me what time to eat. Then I read the article and I am now convinced 4pm is the correct answer.

Brad Stevens is the best coach in the NBA. Sorry Pops, but the torch has been passed. The way he develops young players is nothing short of incredible and shows why draft position is secondary to player development when it comes to team building.

*busts into room*
“Did somebody say percs?!?!”
~Jim Irsay

John — back away from the computer! Seriously, if you feel so strongly about it what’s your name? Danielle bravely used hers. In what capacity were you there? Obviously another woman there felt the same way, so it’s not beyond the possibility that this man acted inappropriately. We’ve all been there. Instead of caping

As a guy, I’m perplexed as to what to do as some women would feel uncomfortable if you simply ask them on a date. Instead of simply calling out these guys, can people actually come up with clear direction on how guys should act.

So, what’s the ethical rate? 10%? 15%?

Yeah, the message of Kaepernick’s kneeling in protest of police brutality had already been... muddled? diffused? expanded?... a bit by the players who were kneeling in protest of of his blackballing. Both fall under the larger umbrella of protesting institutional racism and white supremacy, of course, but then so does

Blow me. I’ve been a moron long, long before Friday. When you were but a twinkle in your daddy’s eye, I was doing moronic things.

Where is the timeline?

+1 worthless pay stub

It’s a good move and I realize most Saudi men aren’t going to let the women in their families drive, but can you imagine what would happen if you suddenly put that many new drivers on the road at once?

Joke’s on him. Wentz uses direct deposit.

People who say “son of a gun” when they are ecstatic are such losers.

Don’t know how you could make that mistake, it’s in EVERY article that’s written about the situation.

This is timely:

“Heather Headley was killed by a white supremacist.”

“The white protesters set a police car on fire calling the death an unjust murder and screamed, “Protect LGBTQ!” even though 21-year-old Scout Schultz left three suicide notes. “

That’s sort of the Gawker Media-oops, sorry, *Gizmodo* Media way. You post something that’s poorly thought out and maybe a bit poorly researched, then halfway fix the most easily changed aspects as a concession while ignoring the greater issues with the piece. Never admit to your mistake.

I guess the ratings showed no one else watched the Emmys either, so TL is not alone.