It’s Kaepernick derangement syndrome...I love it. These comments are hilarious
It’s Kaepernick derangement syndrome...I love it. These comments are hilarious
He’s big? Haha he eats tofu & weighs prolly 175lbs...yep. He’s so big
these comments are whack...u r 💯 spot on
so you guys posted videos where we have to go to youtube to actually
I’m sure you feel so about dismissing comments. Good lord get a fukn life
I mean it’s obvious you hate white people. Maybe she knows that. But of yeah all whites are racists & Nazis. I forgot
So now white ginger girls are minorities?
I agree. But also why is this titled or titled per Jez “her tragic life”? I mean she was born into a shit load of money and she fukd it all up by using drugs. I dunno maybe it’s me I just don’t like the description of this movie. Nothing tragic about it in my opinion.
Me ex named her kids seven & river
Won’t attack a white woman? Huh? Is Katy Perry not white all of a sudden?
Clarkisha Kent? Can’t even use ur real name...hmmm
Hahahah ur whole comment is filled with hypocrisy. It was funny thanks for the laughs
Yeah cuz what they wear is their biggest problem...
See I had a little opposite thought. I thought that she was trolling everybody that hated her. Just my thoughts. I liked the video. And I’m a guy. Video out the song in a better perspective than just song alone
New fame & money makes peeps do strange things
U must be a hit at parties
Ahh ok using churches when ya need them. I see how this works now
Pretty sure Irvin jersey was burned also
So getting traded is being betrayed now? Is that what this world is coming to? It’s a business decision & he’s going to get paid if he plays for the Celtics Cavs or Pelicans...
Oh but they can and will sure try to erase it.