
So your mom is the original Neagan then?

I am glad you said this. It is so true.

I know I am not alone in thinking this is a ridiculous and ludicrous idea. I did not read the original article on this but WOW. This is the most racist thing I think I have seen in a long time. I just want them to try to perform this in front of black people. COTTON PICKING being played by whites dresses in mammy

See, I love LUSH. But ppl on Trendmood are like how are we going to store these, it will make me break out, etc etc and I believe this product is only available for one month. Also I have solid lush products and they melt. I am not sure if this was a good idea for a solid foundation. They should have just done a sort

I am so sick of this country. I wonder how I do not hate white people on a daily basis. It is really hard to look at the “good white people” and feel like their actions and character alone can make up for you not wanting to be done with them all. And I say this married to a white man, I just feel so much anger and now

I already bought it and it arrived today at work. MakeupbyShayla’s collection is also awesome and I own this too.

I am still trying to understand who this is. The moment I heard he died, I was like “WHO”? Am I too old to even care?

I bet this woman got sexual gratification from beating her patients. I had to google “riding crop” and it looks like something from 57 shades of nonsense movie.

A lot of people do not know that “gypsy” is a bad word. A makeup influencer on Youtube used it or had it on home decor and the audience freaked out and had to be sent links on why it was a bad word. I didn’t even know until I read an article she suggested.

This is hilarious and the weirdest thing ever, I can just see now the vegans though, attacking this article. They can be CRAZY.

I have been eyeing Trend Mood for months about this. So excited to pickup instead of Patrick Starr collection, which looks boring as hell.

I hope the men sue her and somehow get their college degree-she has a permanent record, this girl is trash

I see what you mean but she is an internet bully. Go and research yourself how she is salty and goes on instagram and elsewhere and throws people who have *valid* questions about her products (not just the “internet” personality) under the bus and how she claims to be cruelty free when she can not prove it, etc etc.

This man is going to hell. He is an idiot.

I am not really into the Crayon case, they had a fight with Jen luvs Reviews on yotube and basically were not very friendly when asked basic questions about the ingredients in their makeup and the owner is well, a bitch.

I am from Bucks County an grew up 5 mins from Philadelphia. I have a hate and love relationship with the city after leaving when I graduated college but I am so happy to be an Eagles fan and be from PA right now. And I love the mayor told Trump off, where was this mayor back in 2004 when I moved away!

right, go back to farming sugarcane or whatever the hell it was she was doing. And Hawaii is very liberal, hoping she is isolated & the locals ignore her.

I am not even reading what he wrote on the message board. I do not want to. The story above and his actual quotes are evil enough.

I am an independent and an accountant. This guy....he is Satan. Like Satan is living in this man’s body. I almost wish he was a Republican and a Trump lover, he sounds like one, but one way over the fucking edge.

Well I am glad she is not paying any rent but all in all, this is pretty hilarious, I do hope she can at least get her belongings back and eventually her security deposit. And if she does get her material things, she has to decontaminate them. I hope she starts a gofundme for reimbursement of belongings and moving