
I heard about this guy on this week’s The Read podcast. I have NO idea who he is still but I believe this singer-he is a liar, that I do believe.

I feel good about being a Christian in this instance. It is like seeing God’s judgement on the guilty, the greedy, heartless, prideful man. I think God is enjoying this, Satan is enjoying this, everyone is enjoying this evil man look like the fool he is. Ha! I am so, so, so happy he is fired.

I am so mad you just sad that! hahahahahahahaha

Wow. I screen grabbed this entire article because of all the people to be in a picture at one time....Wow. I am surprised Ray J and Chris Brown were not invited.

I agree, this man is total and true trash. Who loves attention, money, prestige and Trump more than their own flesh and blood?! Oh, this fucker does.

“His previous divorce in 2011...” This man is trash, trash, trash. I am not against anyone who gets a divorce, many times they are needed but multiple divorces, maybe you treat women unkindly and you have commitment & love issues because he honestly should just marry himself and make it legal.

SNL will never make fun of anyone else for all of 2018 if he does “Dancing With the Stars”. Also he is an asshole, not a “star”.

It is obvious R. Kelly is a crazy sex addict. In a bad way. I think the parents of the 1 girl is right to be concerned. It is like he treads on what is legal and what is not after all of these lawsuits he had just to get away with everything. It is like I do not want to go to jail for kidnapping and keeping a sex cult

Personally I am #teamnoonebuttheinnocentchildren but what he did=publicly showing his mess and naked pictures of her is atrocious and is harassment. She has to give consent. He is just making it more difficult for actual victims of revenge porn.

I dunno, you tell me. Sarcasm is sarcasm. If you are being sarcastic, then it is what it is.

Would you feel safe if that was on your flight? A crazy man probably fueled by drugs trying to open shit and beating people over the head with wine fucking bottles ?

Without a license? Even with a license, I hope these men kind of get the death penalty. I am all for forgiveness and second chances but you killed a female, shot a pregnant female and killed her child & shot and wounded little children.Psychopath and evil. I want facts like these thrown in the face of the NRA and

I saw a photo but I believe it was a prior arrest picture and he indeed did look berserker.

I seriously hope this cop rots in hell . That girl acted out of pure love and she gets attempted murder of an officer because she bit him!

He is from Florida, the land of the the crazy people. But besides that, I think federal jail is where he should stay. He tried to do a dangerous act onboard with 210 people....either he is really insane or evil or both.

well i can only speak for myself, I feel I am doing fine & dandy but I am black and know society doesn’t want me to succeed on any level. To me, whites are the rich ruling class in the US and if you are not white, you are not a part of that, doesn’t matter the jail rate, health, poverty, bank account, education. The

absolutely. I am black & I know what that is like everyday, good & bad but whites are still the rich ruling class with privilege. Asian Americans are not. They are the butt of jokes from all people groups, not just whites. How many people say rice and slant eye jokes or Indians smell, etc? I also will not be stopped

He is now posting these naked pictures on Twitter. He should be Donald Trump’s running mate. Those sisters of his need to shut him down, for real. He is the only one who is this crazy.

Just because Rob slept with a black woman doesn’t mean he is a rap star. White people are stupid as hell sometimes. I guarantee Black Chyna is more savage than he is any time of the day.

Yes, I feel a part of that is true but Corinne doesn’t like taking “responsibility” from what I can tell on the woman’s tell all for her season. She doesn’t feel bad about what she does or feel a need to explain herself. She just loves wine and attention. She is funny though, I will give her that.