I am curious as to what her sentencing will be as a white female in juvenile court for this particular crime..
I am curious as to what her sentencing will be as a white female in juvenile court for this particular crime..
I love that you said “Kenny” whatever his name is, LOL. I haven’t though about that whole bunch in a LONG time. I lost interest before Diem died.
She is like the youngest-looking-actually 20 something year old looking person alive.
Reality Steve is suggesting now that the producers that filed the original complaint did not see the video or witness the original complaint. They “heard” about it and most likely thought it was sexual assault but now “regret” the decision to file the complaint because at the time Corinne seemed to be agreeable to…
I believe the shooter has now died per CNN
Really?~ it was not the most earth shattering pieces of music but damn, I thought it was above average at least for a young person in her field....
yes, you make a good point that this could just all be about money.
This person is disgusting. I literally would find him with a bat and break his car windows like that Jasmin Sullivan song.
Please everyone watch this video. The guy with the net “trying” to catch this big ass bird is too funny. All his half hearted efforts and he ends up “catching” wine in his net, I kid you not.
Yes, he is crying about “radical” Muslims when he is radicalizing white males to be racist and kill brown people.
I love that the student thinks it is no big deal. Another privileged, pompous white stupid cry baby man entering the world. I really wish his parents were better to punish him but oh well.
Good, I am looking to buy a used car by end of next year!
I would pull my child from that school QUICK. There is no way I would want my child at that school. If I saw her, I would spit on her.
Hmmmm. If she let him move back in “for the sake of the child” that is utter BS. Take it from a child whose parents played with this idea. Fighting, hating, spiteful parents in a household with children. It does not work. It took my father almost 15 years to officially divorce my mother. And even when they were…
She is straight crazy. Her twitter is like NUTS. She is like worse than Trump.
This girl got accepted to Bob Jones University. That alone tells me what type of church & school she is involved in. I know this all too well, the legalism and the control. My youth pastor went to Bob Jones and encouraged me to apply-otherwise how would I find a husband? Mind you, this stupid school did not even allow…
I love that he asked for a Jaguar but was told they were sold out. Kids today....
I am all for the Titus show anyway.
Wait, is this cynicism??? Is this a REAL QUOTE from a REAL WOMAN?!
Are not elephants protected animals? Were his hunts even legal?