Wow, I can’t believe I even remember that! So many things happen. Crazy lady with crickets. crazy Chris Brown, crazy man on Upper west Side with poop..
Wow, I can’t believe I even remember that! So many things happen. Crazy lady with crickets. crazy Chris Brown, crazy man on Upper west Side with poop..
Oh no! RAY J IS INVOLVED, God help us all.
His ex girlfriend Tran looksike the wisest person who ever lived for leaving his ass. So does Rihanna. This negro is nuts. What is he shouting black lived matter for? My black life matters . Stupid negroes maybe not so much.
Uh ok. So how is he a “star”? And to whom? The creepy pro-life anti woman in Texas? He is not even a low budget C list or D list “celebrity”! Wasn’t Aretha Franklin on this show? WTF?
He is mad he is an old white man without her black money and black influence. So you took hookers off the street 20/30 years ago? Good for you. Why don’t you be a real politician or consultant and something and go do that somewhere else instead of just running your old white man mouth?
Oh no. I thought that the Kardashian babies would be humiliated knowing that mommy drags then everywhere and there is a camera constantly in their faces. But this is nasty. The Kardashians are not that stupid. No one is that stupid.
The BABY. See even if they had an open relationship, you have an erection and sending photos with your newborn in the picture? Knowing you will be caught because you were caught before??? This is nuts. That man is not stable. Bill Clinton cheated but was Chelsea in the room? I mean, really?
I agree— but you do invite the public gossip when you willingly send photos knowing you are caught the first time. You invite for posts like this to exist.
“I don’t give you nothin”! She should make a t-shirt with this slogan on it. The newscast says she tried to see “what type of weapon” he had in his pants. This woman is bold and amazing.
I agree. I will probably still watch though.When they introducted briefly Raven Symone as the first wife of the gay son, I thought that could not be serious. Then the desperation of Luscious’ ex fiance to have Hakeem’s baby-that plot was stupid. The only good thing was the super model Naomi dying, I don’t care for her…
I love writing!
Oh i love you! Hooray for you.
Oh yes, I understand that perfectly. They aim to control women at all costs. If circumsion wasn’t looked down in our society, they would be pushing that. I was given the abstinence only approach and it just makes you stupid. A stupid virgin. I had non Christian friends who gave me a sex book and DREW THE FEMALE…
So he is a gay freelee banana person, yikes!
Blows my mind how ppl like George Zimmerman roam free and this woman are arrested. It really is crazy. I am glad she is being freed. I hope she sues BIG TIME and Zimmerman gets hit by a car. I hope as a Christian he comes to Jesus and acknowledges his evilness and then gets hit by a car.
oh I love you! Toddlers are so cute and horrible! I think they work for Satan.
That is SAD. If they would put their money where they mouth is, they would partner with female based charities and hell, even Planned parent hood to assist with charitable contributions to women’s health, sexual education, CHILD CARE and resources. Wouldn’t it be awesome if one of these cronies paid for a pap smear or…
I don’t even know who are these little boys and girls to even care one is bisexual, who is dumped, blah blah blah.
Oh gosh I almost thought this was a picture of Ryan locate dying his hair back. I do not know which is worse.
Hahhahahahhahahahhw you win the hilarious award today,my friend.