
I recently rewatched The Shining and it’s so strange the discourse around her in it because her performance not only isn’t bad, it’s uniquely good. It’s honestly one of the most brutally realistic depictions of a woman in an abusive relationship. It’s interesting too because throughout the movie she’s legitimately

The thing about that show was the writing itself, like the actual dialogue, was VERY good. The plotting, narrative, conflict, tension, characterizations and resolution were all what was terrible. But there really was some of the best mcu talking moments of any show or movie. Which made it incredibly frustrating to

Just watched the original: Some of the worst shooting in movie history belongs to the 1980's cocaine-henchmen.

The answer is obvious: the writer needs to get her own priorities straight, dump that asshole, and use the incident to get sole custody of the child!

Now that’s committing to a bit.

Up in heaven, he just made Jessica Walters squeal again.

I work in entertainment, and this is one of the realest and truest things I have heard someone in this industry say:

Private equity kills everything.

Didn’t watch the full debate - already had been a long week. Biden did as Biden does.

Important to note - it’s basically July, but it’s still not November. There will be other debates and other opportunities for Biden.

Look at the end of the day you have the VERY VERY real possibility that a facist, sexist, and racist leads the country and opens the floodgates for laws that will take away people’s rights, punish women and make it harder for anyone without a billion dollar bank roll or dark skin to have any real life.

YES I have

Eh I hope you’re right. I’m a fan of Biden’s Administration and wish he’d have been better able to communicate its successes, but there are a lot of people looking for anyone else other than these two because stability isn’t sexy to voters. If they want to swap horses, it’s now or never, before the conventions and GOP

If Trump gets back in to the White House, American democracy is over.

That went worse than I even considered, and I’m a pretty negative guy.

This is a truly unique horror franchise. Thoughtful, character-centered, and tense without excess or trying to one-up the previous entries. The whiteboard for stories is wide open, and to get a different director’s vision could keep these going for a long time - like an anthology in movie form instead of episodic form.

Oh shit he played the juggalo kid who did blackface on Always Sunny. Never realized that until now. 

I, for one, would prefer a sound loss all around. Some sort of incalculable, humiliating landslide. Sadly, I think your outcome is more likely. 

I’m still holding out hope that Trump wins the popular vote but loses the electoral college. Of all the plausible outcomes, it’s the funniest AND arguably the stupidest, so I kinda feel like the universe owes it to us.

Its amazing, we’re still locking these people up and the guy who incited it is in line to retake the White House.

What a weird tearing apart of what is ultimately a harmless movie.

And therein lies the rub....she either attempts to fly commercial and turns every airport she enters into a stampeding, screaming shit-show, or she flies private and burns a lot of petrol.  The latter actually seems more sane, more efficient, less dangerous, and far easier for herself and staff.  Meh.