
Not a PC gamer, but I’d definitely pick this up for mobile or Switch. Hopefully they’re working on ports.

It’s been a while since I’ve said this, but: put it on Switch!

Guys, it’s been years of this now. Never. Trust. Reactions. From. Preview. Screenings.

Sounds neat. Hopefully it’ll get released on an actual gaming platform instead of Windows computers. 

THR first reported on the story, and their coverage mentions it was a “her”:

Dou you know how you prevent shit like that of happening to you?

When a process server look for you at your home address or office you receive him or make an appointment for a later date, instead of trying to avoid and dodge it, because that’s how you get this kind of situation. Respect the job of the others and they

Despite seeing all this, another nearly identical Raptor driver decided to do the same launch and had a similarly hard landing.

Ah, Exhibit A as to why “Always Online” is a really shitty thing for everyone but the publisher.

It’s a great little machine all around. 1080p performance is solid and load times are on par. And it’s small enough to pack for a trip unlike the X or PS5. Definitely positioned as a great secondary machine.

The S is cheap enough (at least right now) to be a second console/game pass machine...

Disney breaks copyright law. -Maybe minor fine

Especially when the dude made it part of his schtick to be as much of an asshole as possible.

My anger issues tend to be related to objects. I have thrown and broken a few controllers over the years. But I also have never screamed slurs because of a video game.

I don’t know why anyone should cut him any slack. It’s his schtick, and no amount of “it was a bad day” can change that fact. If you started yelling shit like this dude in almost any business establishment someone would eventually ask you to leave. Why gamers think a digital version of that is any different is -

This has nothing to do with the “public square” - you sign up for YouTube, Twitch, or an online game, you agree to their Terms of Service. You violate the TOS, you suffer the consequences. End of story. If you don’t like it, don’t enter into a contract with a platform in the first place, or follow the rules you agreed

Well I will always call them Fig Newtons, but I always thought the “Fig” in Fig Newtons, just indicated the filling.  There are or were other Newton fillings.

This excuse of having a bad day is bullshit. I’m sorry. I’ve had absolutely rotten days. I’ve insulted people when they piss me off. Not once have I ever thought to use sexist or racist insults to hurt them. I’m sorry, if you scream that a “female is talking to you” and tell her to do the dishes, then you’re a sexist.

I'm sorry I've had bad days and gotten pretty salty playing games before. Even kicked over my xbox once and ruined my cod disc. But I've never used misogyny or racism when trash talking. I just use sarcasm. Like asking annoying campers where they bought their camping gear. 

The problem is that they want people to hear them, both in the game and externally, because then they earn ‘rep’. There is a large community out there that finds verbal abuse funny, enough to earn someone 6.9 million subscribers.