
I always get excited each time I rediscover that you guys are out of Chicago so its all actually relevant for me! When I was in WI they had some knock-off Chicago style pizza that was basically regular pizza with no sauce, then sausage and tomato chunks on top. It gives the same flavor profile that you describe with

They aren't good by any means. But like Taco Bell, Sbarro has been there for me at my lowest points. There's something comforting about a soulless pizza when you're questioning your life choices. 

Left rear looks 1.5 psi off. Dealership used an Analog gauge.

Is anyone else increasingly annoyed with games whose major mechanic is inventory management, or am I just getting old?

An alternative take: I’m one of those guys who paid a lot of money to do the meet and greet with Kevin and Jason Mewes during the last movie tour.

I’m pretty sure the idea that Bruce Willis is difficult to work with, and kind of dick, has been around since Moonlighting. But I can still see where Kevin Smith is coming from here, as in general I think he tries to be a decent dude and regrets being an ass to someone who is obviously having a difficult time right

I get where Kevin’s coming from, but to be honest it really does sound like Bruce was just being a dick during that time rather than anything related to aphasia.

He was very good in Moonrise Kingdom 2 years later, and fine in Looper the same year. He seemed engaged (at least) in the Eli Roth Death Wish as recently as 2018. Maybe he was just in a shitty mood on the set of Cop Out, who knows. 

I’m going to go against the AV Club grain here and say Kevin Smith seems like a really decent, cool guy.

Not assuming anything by any means, but it took me forever to realize that “X to continue” pops up almost instantly on a loading screen. If you just sit there without pressing anything, it’ll eventually continue after a minute or so. Now I’m barely on a loading screen for 2 seconds while fast traveling.

Considering how stupid big and complex the map is, the loading times on PS5 are some kind of otherworldly witchcraft. 

Too soon? 

The correct pronunciation is like the G in garage.

dang, you really whipped up this comment in a giffy!

This is the real crime. Why on earth did Sony drop this feature across gens? Whose brain dead idea was that? 

That isn’t patriotism, it’s jingoism. Patriotism is loving your country enough to pay attention to it.

I will support my country in any situation without thinking for a second!

Pete has done a comparably better job keeping his head down. At least publicly, he has mostly abstained from taking Kanye’s bait.

You know what this is? You know, when you were a kid and asked your parents for McDonalds and they looked at you - laughed and then dragged you into the kitchen to make “McDonalds burgers”? They’d slap grey ground beef into a bent pan, cutting some cheese off that big ass yellow block and then sandwiching it between