
To be fair, those 15 Final Fantasies had a heck of a lot of variety across them. And were spread over decades.

That's crazy how this blog post got stuck for 10 years and just now managed to post today. 

It’s been wearing thin for a long time. I can’t stand looking at their maps with a hundred icons of busy work to do.

I hear the Pro Evo name just got freed up...

To get the true Skyrim experience there should have been a scene afterward where he REFUSES to drop a single god damn thing and slowly crawls toward the nearest shop npc.

And this comic strip makes it right to the point:

"99% of people can hardly tell the difference between 30 and 60."

I just get a headache when playing games on 30fps, i just cant play them anymore.

Has anybody seen what this game looks like on 360/PS3? I've seen no mentions of it on any site, and as a last-gen console owner I'm really anxious to see how well it holds against the current gen versions.

I've been playing games in 1080p for years on my PC. I like the consoles, but I don't know why they can't just make them the way they should be. And gameplay performance is better than graphics in my opinion. I would much rather play a game at 60+ fps at 720p than a game at 30fps in 1080p if given the option. Luckily,