She is almost as reviled by them as a school shooting survivor.
She is almost as reviled by them as a school shooting survivor.
This giant disingenuous “The Nazis were Socialists/Socialism is Nazism” opposite day narrative the fascists push is depraved at best and they know it. Fucking scum.
I believe you mean convicted felon D’Souza
Bet he did Nazi that coming!
Poor little fascist snowflake gets “ambushed”. He’s a bully and a fucking coward that hates the people he served with and abuses the power the people have given him to reward the greed and prejudice of assholes like Trump.
I smell a rat.
Is Trump breathing?
Right wing, Republican terrorism.
I know according to white women we aren’t allowed to slut shame but I am going to take this time to say fuck that and tell you that the guys from The Football and Basketball teams at UNLV have a lot of stories about the girl they dubbed Hoover Express. Yes Ms. Lahren was quite the thot back in her undergrad days. Long…
I like the cut of your jib, kind soul. I know a lot of people think you’re extreme, but honestly, the GOP and their fascist thugs are no longer a credible and viable party within a democracy. They are a white supremacist organization that shields white supremacist terrorists and their cohorts. They need to be dealt…
I’ll say it again: want to see gun reform? Have all POC exercise their 2nd amendment rights.
You see some white guy, wearing a MAGA hat; you know he’s up to no good. It is better to take him out before it is too late. He might be stalking some black guy, just coming home with some groceries.
Pretty funny how all these so-called alt-right tough guys turn into sniveling little babies once they are forced to face the consequences of their deplorable actions.
You right...
I hope he has a heart attack when he’s getting shanked.
True, but i REALLY wish this fuck and Dylan roof got you know, the death penalty? We know they did it. There’s no reasonable doubt they did it. Fry their asses.
I want videos of his crying and begging. Put it straight into my veins.
They’re white.
Isn’t the real question: How the fuck are Chris Matthews, Chuck Todd and Joe Scarborough still on TV?