
How about we add this question to the 2020 Census:

This treasonous motherfucker needs to have his bitch-ass face punched in. He’s nothing more than a Nazi piece of shit and he can take civility and shove it up his mother’s ass.

Thing is, people DID vote in 2016. Lots of them. Lest you forget, Hillary won the popular vote. Part of the issue of why we have Trump in the first place is — you guessed it — gerrymandered districts.

This is worse than Citizens United. This is the end of the Republic. Call me hyperbolic if you want to, but this is where it ends. This means that Republicans have a green light to cheat to maintain power, and prevent themselves from ever losing that power.

I’m okay with physical destruction, too

So basically, flipping state level seats is more important than anything now, and we have to fight 20x as hard to do it. Hard to imagine a Merrick Garland and possible other Hillary appointed judge would’ve come to the same conclusions. Might be important to vote on 2020.

So, once again, the result of the people who voted 3rd party or stayed home in protest in 2016, is a SCOTUS decision that destroys a fundamental tenant of democracy for decades to come.

The post-2020 rounds of redistricting are going to be BRUTAL. Any state with a GOP trifecta is going to be able to draw themselves into power for who knows how long.

Elections will not fix what is wrong with America. We have played too civilly with the enemy for too long. 

“Of all times to abandon the Court’s duty to declare the law, this was not the one. The practices challenged in these cases imperil our system of government. Part of the Court’s role in that system is to defend its foundations. None is more important than free and fair elections. With respect but deep sadness, I

“civility was the first casualty of Donald Trump’s presidency.”

grandfather who fought fascists with a gun in his hand 75 years ago once told me:

Obama actually already repealed the 2A. Robert Mueller is working undercover with Trump to get it put back into the Bill of Rights, and once that’s done then all the illegals will be deported. Wake up, sheeple.

No, but it's important to note that Andrews Brietbart did die while straining on the toilet.

These fucking conservative chickenshits and their cries of “civility.”

It makes zero difference. Mueller will say nothing he hasn’t already said. He will present nothing he hasn’t already presented. And even if he did, no matter what there will be insufficient support in congress to achieve the correct end: 45 in a fucking jail cell for the rest of his life. Also, Pence, 45's family,

He doesn’t go outside. He's too scared of all the brown people on the street. He's a keyboard warrior. 

I can't even imagine what kind of reckoning there will actually be, but goddammit, those people need a reckoning. I think a nice curb-stomping would be perfect, as Malcontent suggests above, but I'd settle for them all having to wear a scarlet T on their clothing and on their resumés.

I would 1000% support dragging those fuckers all out into the street and curb stomping each and every one of those malignant cum stains.