Hey Dr. Emilio Lizardo.
Hey Dr. Emilio Lizardo.
He’s a better person than literally every fucking Republican bastard in this whole country. Those fucking pieces of shit would suck Putin’s dick on command.
I won’t listen to a fucking word a Republican says. They have been judged and found guilty of being un-American, Criminal, Racists and Traitors.
I have no hope at all for those fucking sub-human Republican scum.
And to the little gray bitches...yes I’ll fucking do it to you motherfucker. I’d love to wallow in your blood.
Fuck that. NAME all of the dirty Republican white supremacist parasites who are going after this family. Names, photos, addresses and where they work.
Extreme is in the eye of the beholder. However let’s be fucking honest here:
The Republicans WANT far worse for us. If they had their way we’d all be getting rounded up and sent to camps like this. That is who they fucking are.
Round up all Republicans children and fucking send them there.
They deserve to be lined up against a wall and shot.
There are “people” that need to get the fuck out of this country. But they are white and wear MAGA hats.
Hope that motherfucker and everyone like him gets their heads smashed in on the street.
Doxx that fucking Nazi pig and his entire family.
Trumpers need to be fixed...right the fuck off this Earth.
Not anymore. I’m strapped all the time. And I’m a far better shot than those morbidly obese right wing Nazi fucks.
The black cop should have fucking shot that racist right wing Nazi motherfucker in the fucking face.
Remember George Zimmerman. These right wing fucks have set a precedent now. You can get your gun, start a fight and then claim you feared for your life and then fucking shoot that MAGA hat wearing motherfucking parasite 10 times.
Don’t forget the random beatings he’s bound to take from non-whites inside to find out his bubble gum ass is a Nazi pig.
He won’t last 6 months in general population.
Just wait until he gets tossed into the cell block. I give that POS 6 months before he gets tuned the fuck up or worse.
That morbidly obese fucking white power manboobs motherfucker is lucky he didn’t get his neck stretched. They need to, as they say in Shawshank, “cast him down with the sodomites.”