
Yep.  Although I think I would have started Horan over Lavelle on this one.  That might be hindsight talking though, since Horan has been in great form and Lavelle had a terrible game. 

And the best part is this is a literal middle finger to Trump and all of his dirty Nazi piece of shit followers.

Shrug. I used to give a shit about debate and understanding and all that. But here’s the thing. If the “people” (and I use that term very loosely when talking about right wingers) you are trying to attempt to find some kind of common ground with are flat out racists, criminal enablers, lie about everything 100% of the

That is exactly what needs to happen. An online searchable racist database.

MAGA hat wearing shithead in my neighborhood! Time to get my gun and follow him...

Damn straight. These mealy-mouthed fucking capitulators all need to get voted the fuck out.

Doxx that dirty motherfucker, his familiy and anyone who works for this complete fucking shitstain Nazi.

Every single member of the GOP needs to pay for this....wherever they are. Hold this shit against these pigs and do whatever you can to go after the pigs.

They want us dead...I say they deserve the same x1000.

And to that scroungy little right wing fuck “Romostradumbass”:

If the Dems win the White House in 2020 I say we have her murdering ass deported to Uganda.

Do I care about the substance of what she’s saying? Only so far as to reinforce what a disgusting morbidly obese sub-human right wing fuck she is. That’s about it.

The GOP is now no different than Nazis and White Supremacists. And we have a right to protect ourselves from these disgusting animals.

This treasonous motherfucker needs to have his bitch-ass face punched in. He’s nothing more than a Nazi piece of shit and he can take civility and shove it up his mother’s ass.

The Dems need to wake up.  We don’t want to work with those sub-human pigs in the GOP.  We’d as soon see them fucking dead.

And to the poor attempt at being a spelling and grammar Nazi in the Grays....go fuck your mother you dipshit assclown. If you ever happen to register a typo yourself, go fucking eat a shotgun.  

That fucking murderer needs to be punched in the face x10000 and sent on a plane back to Uganda.  Let the parents of the dead children tear this evil piece of shit limb from limb.

Jail?  How is this right wing Christian bitch not fucking dead? killing like this....fucking find her ass fly her to Uganda and let them tear her limb from fucking limb.

Please. You cannot tell me with a straight face this “both sides” bullshit. YOU are the problem here along with all of your racist, lying, criminality and treason that is going on in YOUR party.

Yep. And I just disagree with her on one point...respect?