
I suggest a green target Republican pigs nationwide.

Fuck that gray bitch piece of shit.  I own fucking plenty myeself.  And guess what?  I actually know how to use them...unlike the vast majority of those fucking morbidly obese “2A” wannabe right wing bitches.  

You are goddamned fucking right.

Just take a look at his sub-human goose stepping followers.  Need I say more?

That’s right. Trump himself is just a symptom of the disease. The disease called Republicans and their white supremacist allies.

That needs to be the end for every fucking Nazi and White Supremacist in this country.  Shoot them all.  Teeth kicking is just bonus points.  

Thank God for dead Breitbarts.  Fuck that dirty piece of shit.  Hope he suffered.

That is some funny shit right there. Coming from a bunch of assclowns that think being PC makes you a snowflake, they sure cant’t take getting confronted in any way.

This will move the needle of public opinion though. And the responses of the White Power House and those dirty GOP pigs in Congress to his testimony and the attacks will push more people against those parasites.

LOL at the little right wing bitch in the grays who literally created an account and spammed like 30 of my comments. What a pathetic fuck you are, parasite.

As well he should be. Dirty fucking scumbag racists like him need to have their heads shoved up their own asses with 10 metric tons of force.

That sub-human piece of fucking shit needs to have himself an “accident.”

Fine fascist assclown.  Hope you run that mouth on the street.  See what fucking happens to you.

Eat a motherfucking dick you soulless right wing motherfucker. You heard it here folks: The GOP prays for dead children.

Maybe you were a fat fuck then like you are now you disgusting asshole.

These GOP pigs are dirty criminal racist traitors.  If the shit hits the fan in this country that fat fuck needs to go first.

My first thought is dirty fucking Nazi scum. Being in the country illegally is a misdemeanor.

Go explain yourself to somebody who believes you asshole.

Nope. But nice try.

Sure. Because in your mind, you have all of the answers and all of the rest of us in the world would be better off if we just listened to you and did things the way you say because you are such a special unicorn.