Oh a new follower. Let me give you a fucking preview: Fuck off.
Oh a new follower. Let me give you a fucking preview: Fuck off.
See that is why you’re clearly a fraud. No right wing piece of shit is innocent. They’re all guilty and a bunch of sub-humans.
Take your pathetic superiority complex and try to talk down to someone else. You’ll get nothing but contempt from me with your mealy mouthed defenses of those scum right wing traitors.
In other words a useless sub-human Nazi whore. Well I hope this bitch gets what is fucking coming to her.
Hope somebody accidentally beats this fucking traitor to death.
You’re convincing nobody shithead. Now fuck off.
Fuck deportation, let’s deal with that Nazi bitch right here. Her and all of her Nazi ilk need to pay the price for their evil. And I don’t care to what degree.
Names. We demand the names. addresses, photos and the same for anyone involved in this’ families.
The gloves need to come off against all of these loathsome racist criminal traitors. They need to be targeted and treated exactly like they want to treat these people.
Oh shut the fuck up you shill. Take your right wing lying performance art and pound it up your fucking ass.
To the right wing clown trying to pull the whole “but the terrorists” trope. Get a fucking helmet you little bitch. I totally agree that terrorists everywhere get the fucking death penalty. You know why?
I think they should hang this bastard myself. And all of his Nazi buddies too.
I agree with your first sentence....fuck that guy.
My apologies to all real pigs. Perhaps I should have called them ‘amoebae,’ a bit more accurate anyway.
The men and women of ICE need to be Doxxed. Along with all of their families. If they are going along with this Naziesque concentration camp policy then they are fair fucking game.
His supporters...let me just say that Trump is scum and deserves to be in prison at the minimum (if he colluded and is actively working against American interests now he’s a traitor and deserves to fucking hang).
You are 100% right.
Just shows you the GOP and everyone in it are racist scum. It would be a fucking shame if something happened to these fucking pigs.
We need NAMES of all of these disgusting sub-human pigs that are participating in this. And I mean all of them...from the guards to anyone who is supporting these concentration camps.
Those disgusting fucking sub-human GOP pigs need to get theirs.
The Republican traitors want life here to be exactly like that.