
I grew up in Colorado but went to college in Oklahoma for undergrad. I remember when summer came and I heard this strange noise and was like "yes Satan?" and my roommate explained that the sound was the cicadas.

Straight lady. Happily married. And I build my own walk-in closets. My husband makes the Honey-Do List for me. Right on, Cynthia.

I bet your singleness will end happily- you sound totally awesome, with the pillow forts and hanging out in the closet. :-)

Noooo. It's that toddlers can't be trusted. Ever.

It was rainbow colored. In 2002. And no, we did not meet at a rave.

I know what you mean. I come from a culture where baby girls' ears are pierced. I saw it as the natural thing to do. I told this to my white American husband. He was horrified. He thinks that is something that the girl has to decide when she grows up. I see his point. I'll probably wait for her to make a decision

One could argue that pierced ears on anyone is unnecessary.

What? Why? My mother had the hospital pierce my ears when I was 3 days old. It's just a part of my culture to pierce little girls ears. No harm in it. What is wrong with this? I seriously can't understand your viewpoint.

But she won't even remember it!

"Syked"? Not "psyched"? Kinja mobile won't even let me spell Syked without overriding it. Though to be fair, it wanted me to spell kinja as "kinks". Which is clearly what you have in the mobile commenting system.

I will take a million Snookies over him. She is just some broad on TV, he is a fucking asshole with power.

The real Liz Lemon?

What would be great would be if these were actual neutral crisis pregnancy centers that would give pregnancy tests and provide nonjudgmental counseling and then real information about options like state medical aid, a list of religious and sectarian groups that could provide help, information about adoption, a list of

No, you're right, if he was wonderful in every other way I don't think the thong would be a deal-breaker. It was just a two-night stand (whoops!) that wasn't meant to go anywhere, thong or no thong.

I'm impressed the servers are keeping up with the "People We Shouldn't Have Slept With" thread.... 1,100 replies and rising?! Some solid-gold stuff in there.

Sam the Velociraptor was a former military man that was 3 years younger than me. Had just gotten out of the service and LITERALLY had nothing else to do but talk to me. I found him on plentyoffish (whyyyyyyyyyy).

Charming stuff in the Katy Perry/Chief Keef spat there. And so many retweets of Keef's swill from other rappers too...

I said it in previous thread and i'll say it again. I am SO BUMMED Katy Perry apologized to Chief Freak. Why on earth would any woman (or person, for that matter) with ANY self respect at all apologize, back-peddle, and kowtow to someone that told them they'd smack the shit outta them and to suck their dick?!

Most importantly: WHO IS THIS PIECE?

One of my really good friends says "first world problem" in response to pretty much any little complaint. Sometimes I just want to whinge or commiserate for a hot second, jeez! (Though I don't take to my twitter to complain or seek commiseration.)