
"and if i see one more fucking indie movie scene where two buds/cops/thugs have a conversation in a strip club with a blowup doll doing splits in the background"

I really can't with this article, since Jezebel completely IGNORED Jane Campion's "Top of the Lake" series on Sundance Channel. It was written and directed by Jane Campion, starred Elisabeth Moss and Holly Hunter and was kick-ass.

So in terms of lying about an allergy, thatz not okay, BUT you actually could very well be genetically predisposed to hating cilantro. Natur did a study about the genetic links to hate of cilantro (Brits know it as coriander which makes me think, what do they call coriander, but that's beside the

Okay I understand misogyny (not, like, in a "good" way, obviously, but I've seen enough of it to "get it"), but what I don't get is why he wants the government to pay for this program? Government entitlements for getting laid? This coming from the same type of dude who probably thinks people shouldn't been entitled TO

Can't we just buy them all a RealDoll and be done with it. I mean, why inflict these people on real women?

Isn't there already a profession for this? You know, the oldest one?

Allow me to interrupt your space time continuum. Everyone 'knows' that girlfriends from Canada are never real (or at least the internet tells me that is the case). So, if he has a sister and she is from Canada, but you were the girlfriend... how do you know she isn't real and your not? Perhaps he made you up and

"It’s hard to follow. Brilliantly developed storylines are great, but whipping out a dry erase board and Venn diagrams to figure it all out isn’t our idea of a good time. Unless we’re talking about soap operas. Those are perfectly fine."

Free square should have been Impassioned Rapid Staccato Lecture.

If you think Dog Show's clientele is not almost entirely female, you're an idiot. If you think I wrote that only males like zombies and football, you're also an idiot. I wrote that I like zombies and football. I made no mention of anyone else and made no gender associations with it. I was clearly describing a

I have two business dreams.

My dream is to open a speakeasy/bioshock theme scotch bar in my hometown of Adelaide and have big comfy leather couches and warm lighting and piano music and no one has to dance if they don't want to, and everyone can just drink and have a good time.

Well somebody sure studied for the SAT.

Holy crap! Just from what I read I think I'd shoot myself in the head if I had to spend five minutes in that store. Haircut parties? Fortune-teller parties? Valentine's Day parties? When do they throw the party where everyone sits around in their pajamas eating cookie-dough and making up names for all the stupid boys

Oh, bullshit. "Swearing indicates a lack of creativity" is such a stupid point — what about truly creative swearing? I try to call someone a different swear-laden adjective as often as possible; it's how a friend of mine and I came up with "doucheschooner" and why I have so many wonderful terms for insane (such as

SIGH. Oh Jezebel. "there are plenty of things that a person can call Farrah that are both objectively true observations and sufficiently insulting, like that she's a "liar" or "delusional bitch" or "fucked-up sad person." That girl has plenty to be ashamed about." - how are you any better than Teigen? The

And that is the stuff that pisses me off. We don't think it's bad to say terrible things, just say them clean!

But the distinction between your examples isn't just about swear words. Which is worse?

Not rare at all, according to many modern anthropologists. Many believe that's the reason that women have orgasms is based in part on the drive to have multiple partners. Other apes still display this behavior.

I don't have Showtime anymore so I don't know what you're talking about, but she's never been doing that completely, she's done other things while on the Big C. Evidently, she's joining American Horror Story next year.