
I'd add the Christian ideas that "God helps those who help themselves" and that so-called charity (food stamps, housing assistance, etc) should be performed by the church and individuals within it, not the state. But, you know, only if you're a part of the church.

To piggyback on to HermioneStranger's comments a bit as to why "feminism is just about equality" is a reductive way of looking at it (though, by all means, a good jumping off point): If we looked at the world just in terms of equality, it doesn't take into account the fact that some people have different needs than

Oh, definitely. Some I've used are better than others, and the bronzing ones look the best, but I've yet to find one that doesn't make me break out in hives. Pale it is!

They say the cover charge was for party costs - I'm betting a sizable chunk of that was for the required buckets of lube.

As an Illinoian with a life-long hatred of all things Wisconsin, even I gotta say that Madison is pretty cool.

No you don't. Pussies are fucking tough, and the word makes no goddamn sense.

The principle you think you're agreeing with is obviously not what he's talking about - it's code for backlash against feminism that's disguised as helpful advice. Aside from the problematic word choice ("pussification" = "we're all becoming weak, like those gross women"), it's pretty clear he doesn't mean

Don't forget athletes. Even the ones who are actually shitty people.

I'm glad you're so optimistic. I can't help but think this douchenozzle is going to be chair of the RNC in twenty years. He certainly has all the rhetoric and appropriate bluster.

And if you do know a lot about football, dear god almighty, do NOT correct the men in the room on how wrong they are about Cam Newton's rushing yards or how many TD's Welker had his rookie year.

I bet the upkeep in being a vet is much, much less than a human doctor. Fewer (any?) malpractice suits, less insurance, equipment and facilities needed, more downtime between recertifications and having to keep up with new treatments, and the ability to see more patients in the same span of time all equal more cash to

Ableism! Racism! Sexism!

Opresh cred? But every time I used spray tanners I just ended up slightly orange, and I don't think there's any long-standing prejudice against orange folks. Until the real life Oompa Loompas come out of hiding, at least...

Yeah, I was very confused by this as well. I had Black friends in high school who went to tanning salons before prom and what not. But one MAN said he doesn't tan, so that applies to the whole world, of course.

I'm convinced it's a conspiracy against mobile users, because we all know those with the amazing gifs eventually get out of the grey. Alas, alas...forever Jezebel-grey-zoned.

And your version is probably correct too, plot-wise - it's the bones of a larger and hopefully more nuanced arc. It gets problematic when you start realizing how much of the film is based upon white savior/white aggressor narratives, but in that regard, at least, Hunter's character is pretty neutral.

Chubby and sweaty Ben Gibbard was the best Ben Gibbard.

To add to what Berk said, I'm also pretty sure gifs won't show if you post them via a mobile device. Because not a single one of mine have ever worked, but regular pics will, and I've read others have had the same issue.

My theory re: all The Canyons hate: BEE burnout. There's only so many times you can write the same white boredom (to borrow from Lindy's review)/consumerism-fatigue and general malaise before your original core audience grows up, moves past their late-90's obsessions* and kicks your cynical ass to the curb.

I'm just so happy to see a shout out to US of Tara. I love Dollhouse, but his stints on that weren't terribly memorable. The man has chops, and I will watch him anywhere.