
Too true. We don't care. It's a difficult, thorny issue. Mental illness is so varied, so misunderstood by society and even scientists, and so stigmatized as a failing, a weakness, a mere inability to cope, that it's no wonder we don't care - and it's no wonder that men, especially, are more prone to internalize these

A man who gets it and is able to address the problems facing men that occur as a result of the patriarchy without blaming women or mansplaining? You are a rare breed sir, and I heart you.

Well, duh. I love being scared, too. That's why I go to all those haunted houses that guarantee a rapin' good time. So much fun, you guys!

When even your choice in phrasing is problematic - "man up" - you may want to reconsider your point of view here. The traits you're describing are good ones, yes, that everyone should strive toward - being strong but flexible, accessible, rational, non-violent, accepting of failure and even-keeled - but they are not

Or religion has everything to do with it, but that it doesn't particularly matter which religion. Taken to the extreme, they're all able to be harmful.

I don't know about actual stats, but my nephew has been in a helmet for nearly a year, and lemme tell ya, his head looked weird before being corrected, and I really don't think any amount of hair would have hidden it. There was a literal corner at the crown of his head.

But erasing "bad feminist" from my vocabulary would eliminate at least a third of the silly, self-deprecating inside jokes between me and my lady friends!

I'm the only person I know who watches (watched, fuuucccckkkk) HE and when a-MAH-zing worked its way into my vocabulary people thought I was cuh-RAY-zee.

So bad it's good. *golf clap*

Aww, thanks. *sips from confidence cup*

I was going to say "white people problems" instead of "first world problems", but he'd probably just call me a racist.

She couldn't come up with something more clever? Can't be that hard...

In the dirtiest bath water ever. It's like Ian took offense at Corona Light being called piss water and decided, "fuck you guys, I'll show you piss water."

*Googles cronut*

I think the funniest part of this is that it's English.

Oh my god, your rant is the most "first world problems" - ish complaint I have literally ever heard. All the awards for both inanity and dickishness go to you, sir.

Damn you. You knew saying "do not read!" would only make me want to read them! This one slays me: "History says women employment always led to capital loss." Just...what? Obviously a lot of the comments are from people whose first language is not English, but WHAT. THE. HECK.

For the record: That site is 100% satire. It's not real.

Your boyfriend kinda sounds like an asshole.

Ugh. I feel ya. My dad has actually banned all political and religious talk between my mother and me while he's around - and it's rare he's not, because none of us are "chat on the phone" people. So we mostly just talk about her plants and new recipes we're trying.