
Yeah, we definitely agree here. I'm not sure why, but either OP dismissed my last post or it got lost in Kinja hell, but I basically said the same thing! I think the LW makes it pretty clear she's going out all the time, so she obviously has the cash for a sitter. I was accused of making assumptions, but that's pretty

I think Salinger only counts if they're just obsessed with Catcher in the Rye. Sure fire way to spot a dude still in the mindset of a 16-year old.

Oh god, I have a guy like that too. But the sex was goddamn amazing, which is unfortunate - I can't even properly hate him.

Did you tell number 2 that his trousers were false advertising too? I would have.

Ha, I would have been kinda jealous. I bet HST was terrific in the sack.

Reminds me of a song lyric: "you say you love Johnny Cash but have never heard Fulsom Prison Blues."

A rape for a rape, as they say?

I recently watched Take This Waltz with Michelle Williams, and there was a group shower scene where all the women were sporting a big bush. It was awesome, and I was all yeaaaaahhhh girl power! Until I realized most teenaged girls wouldn't ever see that movie. But porn is seriously fucking things.

The only one I've ever known was an absolute racist, xenophobic, misogynistic piece of shit. But I'm sure most of them are not.

The thong thing might throw me for a loop, but I can't see that being a deal-breaker unless he turned out to be gay. Or Buffalo Bill.

I had a guy like that too - like, begged me to have sex on my heaviest flow days. He wasn't earning his red wings or anything, but he was suuuuuper into it. Which didn't bother me nearly as much as when we'd be in the foreplay stage and he'd just stare at my vag. Like, not doing or saying anything. Just looking at it

And even if you DID think it was all 100% true, what does it matter that it was embellished? This isn't a tell-all on government conspiracy or a history textbook. I just can't understand the rage.

Which actually sounds a lot like the sort of family Burroughs portrays them as in his writing.

Ooh! How much does that run you?

Okay, I have to ask, because I can't for the life of me think of a hippie town in the Midwest - Omaha, maybe? Does Boulder count as Midwest? The Broadripple area of Indy? I just can't imagine anyone saying Chicago is a hippie town. Madison? Please tell me so I can stop guessing, it's killing me! Louisville?

Who assured me that most men run off on their pregnant girlfriends.

They give off that vibe to me too. Aren't most of the people who work there volunteers, too? They don't seem to provide any concrete services, just evangelizing and referrals.

I find that hard to believe, since usually these services are usually separate entities and thus not funded by the pregnancy crisis centers - they just get referrals from them.

Oh, you. You're a funny one.

I am literally slack-jawed at the realization that these places still exist.