I'm going to co-sign this query for further explanation. I feel like I must know all the odd James Franco stories ever now, and I generally don't even care about him.
I'm going to co-sign this query for further explanation. I feel like I must know all the odd James Franco stories ever now, and I generally don't even care about him.
I copied this tutorial once and it turned out pretty nice. My hair is only just past my shoulders though, so I had to do a lot more back combing and a lot less curling. I also didn't leave as many layers loose as she did. It's not exactly like Nicole's, but it's close, and probably easier than hers (just thinking…
One of my favorite things in the world is Brit actors doing really bad American accents. (Not usually pros, but students just starting out or someone doing it for comedic value). It cracks me up every damn time.
It is fucking SHOCKING to me how many clever and regular commenters are still in the gray. What a shame. It's been months now.
I hope you told him you don't like working for free and told him to fuck right off.
There just HAS to be a scene or two in those types of fanfic where Damon and Caroline have a house-scrubbing party, right? I imagine them both just complaining about how dirty and gross all their compatriots are. "Ugh, Elena, it was bad when you left your unwrapped pads in the bin BEFORE you were a vampire, but now…
Hey now, you're hurting my B-cups' feelings. :)
I kind of lost it when Aniston said "eat a dick". I'm not a fan, but I am enjoying her choices to play raunchy weirdos. Something about America's sweetheart stepping out of the romance groove warms my heart a bit.
While at the same time, yelling about how Planned Parenthood is genocide-ing all the black babies. Sometimes I get the feeling this "big umbrella" has gotten too big for anyone to manage.
Style section trend piece in 3, 2, 1... "How Neanderthals Did It and Why you Should Too: Breastfeeding As A Return To Your Roots"
Abortion-sluts, duh. Loose women are ruining the fabric of society, and will inevitably get pregnant from all the slutting they do. A REAL MAN would never allow a woman to be a single mother.
No, no, no, no, the proper ratio of what's-ruining-the-traditional-family is 70% single mothers, 29% abortion-sluts, and 1% gays (not lesbians, though, its cool when they make out and out stuff).
80's meme? Fuck, Tea Partiers and the extreme right wingers are STILL going on about that.
Agreed. I think some Juggalos do a lot of harm and are pretty ridiculous, but these seem like average people with an odd obsession/hobby/identity. I honestly can't believe I'm sticking up for these guys right now, but this is seriously overboard. Madeleine could have written an insightful article about how the…
Considering Juggalos are classified as a gang (or, at least, the FBI is trying to make that charge stick) I think I'd be more than a bit worried and pissed off.
I know this is an old article, but I have to say, I'm cracking up at the "Miss Congenitally" typo. Like...is her defect clumsiness?
That is Arizona. I hope you are not American.
Well, I've never worked at a pizza joint and rarely go out for it, but for pick-up anywhere, I'll usually tip two or three bucks. Especially if it's a bartender doing the leg work (bagging, checking the order, getting sides and cutlery.) At Domino's, though? Eh, I'm sure you can get away with not tipping, although…
Holiday shifts are great. I requested to work every holiday I could, for that very reason!
I'll agree - I should have specified "full-service". I'll usually tip based on how many drinks I get. More if they're lightning-fast on refills and clearing, but it still rarely tops $4.