
Oh yeah, you're right about that. it's not the oldest fort. I'd think the oldest European fort is probably in Central America somewhere, built by the Spanish? I;d have to look it up. Instead Quebec City is the oldest European city/town/village continuously inhabited. Every other village/fort that was built was

That's true for certain mission profiles. That's how long it would take if you were doing a "flags and footprints" mission, similar to Apollo. But who in their right mind wants to do that? What a colossal waste of money to just send 6 or 12 people there for a few months, and then bring them back. If we're not building

Because Daedalus was a famous inventor in that story, whose ideas
allowed humans to travel farther and faster than they ever had before.
What you wouldn't want to name your ship is "Icarus".

How do you figure a one way trip to Mars takes two years? With current propulsion technology it takes 3 to 8 months, depending on how much you want to spend (probably you'd do 8 months for cargo, 3 months for humans). It's no longer than a trip across the Atlantic was 400 years ago when the first European permanent

I think I'd prefer Justinian of the Eastern Roman Empire/Byzantines.

Feudalism is, at its core, an economic system in which a very small number of privileged individuals create an environment through political and economic manipulation where the vast majority of the masses have no choice but to work for them, usually for long hours under poor conditions. These masses may or may not

Yeah. The Koch's are so unlibertarian that it's difficult to believe any real libertarian would buy into their way of thinking. They're basically walking ads themselves:P.

I've only used rifles. How exactly does that auto-safety work?

DerekATC and The Ghost of The Joffster, good discussion:).

He's one of those people who think that the only choices are pure, feudalistic capitalism (which is awful) and pure collectivism communism (which is awful). Both are non-functional in the real world.