what is that?
what is that?
No, I flip my shit because some prick with unwarranted self importance puts my safety as a law abiding driver at risk when they think they can share a 2 lane roadway with me, and trucks, and buses, and idiots, when there's a perfectly good sidewalk right over —-> there. Get on the sidewalk and I won't flip my shit.…
That *is* Michael Bay
Adidas still makes the samba, which is about as "classic adidas" as you can get.
All I see when I look at this is 8 donor cars in desparate need of VW powerplants. knockoff GTIs FTW.
Saw the coilpacks, and was like "5 coilpacks: DOIN IT RITE"
Ditto on the second one :P
Check the IAA link again! they cleaned the interior :D
Gogo in flight wifi: Use the "Chat" feature and come up with an excuse. Delayed, changed planes, missed a connection, bad weather, doesn't really matter, but if you tell them a gate agent/ flight attendant was going to give you a code, they will. Free wifi. Works every time.
did you even get to the part where it said masturbating?
More like AMG to Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep's Mercedes. Ironic?
In other words, you're not in the target demographic, and you probably can't afford one. stop complaining?
It's not a "photo" per-se as much as it's a vector of what was likely a photo. they're hip to that game.
I think I just got the joke! Hondas...are boring? yeah. that's gotta be it. OOOH YEAAAAH
Really? you think the video is some kind of propaganda hoax? prove it then!
Look at it! it's just rolling away. just look at it!
Oh, you silly, ohio.
Problem with Wifi streaming = hardware not software ;)
Stop complaining so much! There's a reason hulu plus is 8 bucks a month, and cable is more like 60. Either put up or shut up, man.
uhhh...they already do, right?