I love that engine ^_^
I love that engine ^_^
Also, See "Ex-Driver" for an anime take on this proposition. Cars are computer controlled and when they malfunction a bunch of kids in lancias and super-7s have to save them, or something. the point is that the show taught me what a super 7 was :D
Nothing is worth the wait if the phrase "AT&T" is in the same breath. No thanks. (which is really sad because I have an HD7 and I like the lumia. a lot!)
" I don't think I can watch another country go through Swatch watches, Ray Ban Wayfarer sunglasses, and fucsia leg warmers again."
I don't think politicians need anyone to make them look like idiots.
I love the snow, family back in ct showed me today :D
Call your exterminator, or stock up on pest control products. for FL, the colder temps means more bugs in your house.
uhh... *scratches head* what?
I can attest to the older camry. I have a friend who owns one, all she does is call me to unlock her steering column *facepalm*
Exactly. The taipei 101 would look more at home on NY's skyline than this.
Coming from samsung, and being an avid Xbox Live player, the HD7 was a refreshing changeup. Furthermore, I've got my fingers crossed that there will be an explosion of development after nokia drops the new WP7 handsets ;D
I'm already running mango, to be honest :D It's pretty awesome. I've only had my HD7 only a few weeks, but I love it so far over android (I came from cm7, android 2.3.5(!) )
Lol I was at USC for that quake. fun fun!
Coolest Facebook status ever, matt. Get over it.
Century link decided to start charging me $5/mo on an equipment rental this month, even though I haven't been charged one for 2 years. I like century link, but you have to call customer service 5 times to talk to someone who actually knows whats up.
Oh man... There's a 23 story building and an old treo...er...iPhone, that has this written all over it!
Mother fucker I'm AWSM!
"Hyundai's sold 600,000 of the latest generation sold so far."
Those lifted trucks run *rampant* in orlando. And the drivers are always goddamned awful. but the kicker is that they almost ALWAYS have a "Salt Life" sticker on the back. sure the beach is an hour away,but brah! the saltwatah is bad for the clearcoat, brah. WHATS UP!?