Counter-point: This is a very stupid idea that should not be used for revenue generation (used for god knows what) nor reduction in air travel.
Counter-point: This is a very stupid idea that should not be used for revenue generation (used for god knows what) nor reduction in air travel.
Dumbest theory ever.
As much as I like Tesla’s vehicles, I like their charging network more and they have a huge leg up on their competitors for the time being with it.
If you actually read the source, she *did* have warrants and the officer did *know*. The writer is intentionally obfuscating the truth.
Fact: Soda takes years off your life.
A thousand years ago (it feels like) when they first introduced the lifetime Plex Pass, I didn’t think twice. It is one of, if not the best, deal in home entertainment.
I’ve run different Plex configurations over the years, most of the ones listed above. For the longest time I used an old Mac Mini and it was a perfect…
Wait wait wait wait wait. Did it get completely buried in this story that the opposing team stayed in the locker room for the national anthem? That makes this a completely different story, and it makes the journalistic context used here seem ridiculous. him or find him to be a gigantic orange buffoon, the…
This has nothing to do with Paul Allen’s wealth. The NFL has a salary cap.
Why in the middle of the night?
Patriots fan are masturbating furiously to this post all over Southey.
Wow all the whiny little bitches and haters all in one place. How convenient. 5 Super Bowl Titles and GOAT. Enough Said. deal with it you whining excuse making little girl wannabes. YOUR team sucks. New England is a proven Dynasty and best NFL has ever seen. Your Patriot and Brady envy is rotting what little brains you…
HD culture is nothing more than Goth culture is, or Ricer culture is, or any other social group.
The global success of Top Gear means we are all keenly aware of Clarkson’s Brobdingnagian propensity for being a complete ass.
He’s one of your greatest cultural ambassadors!
Not what I expected given that headline. My hopes have been a bit deflated.
“Wat about those two touchdowns that shoulda been called back, kid?”
I don’t think Boston is the big problem. I think Sports Radio in general is the culprit. The entire industry is modeled on artificial conflict and outrage to get listeners. It’s always going to be odious at its core, no matter what city it originates from.
Short sellers have been bashing TSLA for years, and they have been on losing side of that argument time after time. There have been plenty of them since well before the stock even hit $100 a share. They want bad publicity around the company, so they can stop getting burned on their bad investments.
Once you reach a certain age, pitching a tent gets harder and harder.