
No, what’s sadder is complaining about the availability of an automatic that might allow someone to drive the car who otherwise wouldn’t be able to.

It doesn’t take a crystal ball to see where things go from here — just a passing look at what happened a decade ago.

I’m sorry, but folks from states with no front license plate requirement don’t get to complain here. :)

Do you have any idea how much those systems cost in cars? Anywhere from $900 to $4k. People at the $22k price point aren’t looking to spend $1k on a sound upgrade, since at that price point people are often deciding if the $400 for heated seats is worth the price.

It’s a $22k car... you really think any of your listed brands would come in it?  Get a bit more realistic on what to expect for your money.  Bose is perfectly fine here.

This seems like a very inelegant solution.  Most professionally built toter homes have the camper section integrated with cab in place of the sleeper and have the load deck or 5th wheel at the back of the chassis for easier loading.  Stuffing that Samurai in the slot under the camper bunk seems unnecessarily difficult

The first 3 seconds of the video are him saying the exact opposite of what the idiot tweeting this said

In the linked interview in that Tweet, the CEO says that the absenteeism was “normal” for the weekend, which reflects what SWAPA says.

The world has gone into a level 10 S**TSHOW with the pandemic. It won’t stop until the entire world enters a totalitarian state and everyone says on house arrest for 3 months straight. Anyone caught outside should be promptly executed.

All kidding aside, the covid shots don’t seem to be working anymore. 60% of the

If he wasn’t aiming for the cyclists, that’s the difference between aggravated assault and attempted murder. So he should be able to pay his debt to society and then pursue his college aspirations sometime in the 2030's.

Either this attorney thinks everyone is an idiot who will believe this hogwash about “criminal intent” or he’s the only attorney not to have understood a single thing in first year law.

2nd Gear: VW is actually correct in this case. EGR has an operating range, and it’s not at all uncommon for the EGR valve to be closed when it’s really cold or when atmospheric pressure is low.

I think where it goes wrong is in villainizing individuals for problems that were endemic to society during the periods in question. Industrial workers in the 19th century were treated horribly across all industries. That doesn’t excuse people for their behavior, but simply conforming to the standards of the day

Probably a simple air pressure sensor.

It’s really hard to take this article seriously when it’s so incredibly biased. I’m not trying to say DuPont doesn’t deserve plenty of scorn (and punishment) for some of its practices, but based on the second paragraph you’d think everything they’ve ever done is evil. This is also the company behind acrylic, neoprene,

While informative, the perspective of the writer is so biased as to make this article unreadable.  While enjoying the arrogance of perfect hindsight, having to plow through his bias is impossible.  While we now have a pretty clear view of how lead in gasoline pollutes, at the time of the innovation, it was seen as a

I’ve always been a huge fan of Peter Egan (of Road and Track fame) - and was pretty sad when he (rightfully) decided to retire some years ago. Now he’s not even contributing an article or two a year to that magazine. Very sad.

It’s hard to keep my two jobs separate sometimes.

I repeat my previous comment that this whole trip sounds like anything but hell. Frankly, more people should have experiences like this.

Hi there! Thanks for your kind words. Yes, I’m indeed alive, and as somebody who was sentenced to the Phantom Zone one too many times, I’m always happy to pull a fellow beer enthusiast from the grays.