
Yeah it was the same at my school, most popular kids tended to be hipsters who were super social, studious(most were in the harder classes with me), and made a point about issues. Considering I was a lazy socially awkward ass who shat on a lot of the pc stuff, I didn't exactly fit in super well. Also considering the

All of these designs are based on the original concept art for the OT. Combine that with the fact that the show has a lower budget than Clone Wars and I don't think you can be too harsh on the show for it.

Part of what would be some awesome about canonizing Kotor 1 is that it would open up the possibility for a Disney support Kotor 3. Not only would it be amazing to get SW jedi gameplay on the next gen consoles, but it would also serve as a way to put the awful online MMO in the trash.

Malachor was an important site in the backstory of KOTOR for both Revan and the Exile. He(Revan) commanded the forces on Malachor in the final battle against the Mandalorians slaying Mandalore(title for a Mandalorian leader), in single combat ending the war. At the same time he has one of his top generals on the

More ATLA season 2 and 3 you mean right? Because LOK never touched the climax of ATLA in my opinion, and it had its own down season(season 2).

I can't believe you're going after the Mortis arc, I thought it was one of the best performances from a voice actor that did a great job during the entire series(Matt Lanter). It was to me a refreshingly(with all the battle arcs) surreal arc that to me felt like a microcosm of the mythology of star wars(the balance

Yeah I couldn't believe it when he said that as I never paid attention to the shows following since I just recently started and finished that series. I realize it was a bit out there but I really enjoyed it and thought Anakin's voice actor did a great job during that arc.

I'm late to the scene so I doubt anyone will read this, but I disagree it is an unbelievable plan from Vader.

To me star wars has always been ageless. People say it is kid oriented or try to say that the morality is simple, but a big focus of the story is that all people are corruptible(very RL relevant) and that even people who have done horrible things can be redeemed(rather than simply labeling them completely evil). To me

It is kid oriented but still mature enough to include a scene where tarkin orders the decapitation of two failing imperial officers.

Oh I have no problem with it, although female Thor is a little stupid when both the comic and real Scandinavian myth are male and there are many female superheroes out there to choose from, I'm just pointing out that it goes both ways and that there has definitely been instances in Hollywood where a very obviously

Yeah sure, they never do it the other way around with traditionally white characters or historical figures Cough,…, cough

Laughing at the guy who told someone to shut up that they are being rude. However not a surprise from someone who's reaction is also completely contradictory from their reaction to similar events. So Jeyne Westerling was necessary, why because GRRM wrote it? It is more necessary and well done because it has more

Great point, that is my problem with avclub. The community is sometimes clever and has interesting analysis, but a lot of other times the community is fickle and their uniformed opinions both contradict their reactions to other similar events and the logic of the scene itself. As you said it is just making noise, IMO

That was people diving in to them(asking to break their kneck) and I'm pretty sure otherwise the worry was falling in the wrong area of the snow and suffocating.

That was from the perspective of Stannis' camp clearing the path for him to march, and a temperature increase doesn't immediately melt snow banks, which is why sometimes even a week or two after going above freezing there will still be big snow banks.

Lol at people here acting like they know physics. I have seen plenty of examples of real life situations in which giant snow banks have caused falls that would normally totally destroy the body to be survivable. In Russia, leaping from high heights in to snowbanks is actually a problem among a lot of teenagers. The