
Worse than the guy at the blackjack table who constantly calls it poker?

...become a good rapper who makes good songs, or get out of the way to make space for someone who will.

Rock over, London. Rock on, Charlotte.

Airbags leave a lot of “smoke” once deployed. It’s reasonable to think that he thought (and maybe other parties too) that there was a fire in the car. I really don’t see the problem in what he did. The woman he helped get out of the car certainly seems thankful based on the latest statement from the police.

So you are reporting on others who are currently, actively, reporting. Also you’d like some help with your own reporting and you’re going to let us know if you’re allowed to use a credit card.

Hey guys, good job. You did exhaustive research trying to prove this guy to be a liar, but came up short. Alas, you ran with the pointless story anyway.