Raging Bullwinkle&Rocky Balboa

I always like the question “So, what words do you want to say but can’t?” when people talk about political correctness as a scourge on society..

“You know what the problem was with Starbury shoes? Should’ve been pricier!”

+1 Chuckle/Sob

It would have been cool, and probably imperative, for LaVar to get some input from his kids on the naming and styling of their brand.

When the Balls eventually get around to signing endorsement deals


Ah... you know flying cow technique.

Jared Kushner, having replaced the State Dept. to all intents and purposes, is busy right now single handedly (and without any academic or practical knowledge of the subject) renegotiating our trade deals with Mexico. Because who needs a Dept of Commerce, Dept of Agriculture, or State Dept when you have a Jared?

Panels are conference calls with an audience.

“A system that gives lesser amounts to the people who already have tons of money..........What a travesty.”

Gronk: *silently calculating*

Kind of sounds like Taberski is a creepy weirdo who needs to leave Richard alone. By kind of I mean completely and totally.

brazil’s pretty catholic... is botafogo even legal there?

Ha, this is great. I picked up the Wii U version for my 6 year old daughter (while I play on the Switch) and she’s loving the horse options. She’s always seeing a different horse she’d like to get, but she’s nervous about losing her current one.

“Jason’s horse secrets” sounds like the weirdest slash fanfic ever.

It’s almost as though it’s some kind of commentary on the pointlessness of collecting useless shit in video games...


I think he is actually using this fake rubber hand! It’s the exact same color.

He’s respectful and helpful with the children. He seems to actually like them.