Raging Bullwinkle&Rocky Balboa

He’ll gladly pay us Tuesday for a hamburger today.

There better be a lot of cat butt. That was half the reason I played.

No, I haven’t. What is it? The name definitely sells it.

Not long after the equally wild Max Headroom. Now I want to watch Max Headroom.

They didn’t think the NES Classic would be a hit?? Do they do any research or have anyone even casually familiar with trends? Retro 80s gaming is a big deal. Throw in the die-hard Nintendo fans, and the NES Classic was bound to be a hit in that climate.

The worst part about that clip is how he totally fails to sell the move. Obviously didn’t want to ruin his suit.

I think I might re-buy a Wii U instead of getting this. Decent catalog and backward compatibility make the Wii U way more appealing.

I’m trying to keep a mellow tone in this debate

This guy is a friggin’ genius. When he pulls off a long return, it’s like everyone else is a split-second too slow. His field vision is amazing. He makes it look so laughably easy.

He couldn’t even sit still long enough to watch some Schoolhouse Rock.

Oh man. I’m so glad I got that one pre-ordered. Those colors rule.

It’s almost like creative people hate him and want nothing to do with him. And most acts who played it would probably lose money and fans via boycott.

I believe there’s a case for it.

95% chance Trump’s team was in contact with Russians. Just start with Manafort and go from there.

i think it might be funny if you wore one of those, tho I’m not totally sure why.

I don’t mind either way, it’s just very different seeing someone in a two hour movie than to see them inhabit a character in a tv series.

It’s like 2 bucks an episode on iTunes or Amazon

Except I’m guessing most Atlanta fans would rather see more of him in Atlanta, not big movies. But it’s great that he’s gonna make more money and try different stuff.

Good thing he’s already met with the Prime Minister of our biggest ally, Great Britain. Wait. He hasn’t met with her? He acts like he doesn’t care about our allies? Hmm. Weird.

Bingo! It’s going to take an insanely huge scandal for Trump to be impeached.