Raging Bullwinkle&Rocky Balboa

If you don’t vote, you’re not welcome to a conversation about the president. Sorry. You couldn’t bother to make a choice, don’t bother to pretend you matter.

Not making a choice is the worst choice of all. At least you can feel warm and fuzzy that you stood by your principles.

Some of us don’t believe in binary politics. Some of us are bound to never have power in the US system.

Yes, you can choose poorly in such a situation. Your basic logic is flawed. Even if you hate Hillary, voting for her was a good choice. Blocking an egomaniacal madman is a good choice, and Hillary was the one who could stop him. Therefore, voting for her was a good choice.

Heck yeah. Badminton is fun. Played it in gym class and at parties. You don’t have to move much and it’s great with 4 players.

My sister and I both had fabulous bowl haircuts like that in the late 70s when I was three or four. My parents have an oil painting portrait of us in little sailor outfits with our bowl cuts. It’s fantastic.

Serious take: Rose has extreme learning problems and also deals with mental health issues. Just guessing, but that’s the vibe I’ve gotten from him. Admittedly, I don’t watch much hoopball, so I could be totally wrong.

Not the a-listers who’ll be at the inauguration. They all go to dress shops and tux stores.

And then you watched Meryl Streep on the golden globes and cried.

Resolution broken. This guy lives to cancel games.

Yeah, this picture totally cracks me up. Every time.

Was ghostbusters really that bad? In the commercials it looked like everything was shot on soundstages for a telenovela.

One Two Freddie’s coming for you...

does wario like butts?

That last sentence is so true. My grandma used to say that all the time. She also used to say, get a turkey to clean the kitchen. She got weird at the end.

Wtf?! I’ll be lucky to get one stripper at my funeral.

Can you recommend any amiibo?

I live in Tucson and it’s absolutely beautiful. I’ve never been an outdoorsy type, but I love going to Saguaro national park.