
Well, that and don’t intentionally try to piss off the audience. That should be marketing 101, but dammit, Feig was gonna give it a shot!

Yeah, fuck those people for not giving money to the people insulting an entire demographic. They’re women, they *deserve* your money and attention!

I’m pretty sure it’ll do better, because the studio and director aren’t taking massive shits on the audience.

I would, but that would be mansplaining, so it would be best if you stumbled around and tried to figure it out on your own.

I guarantee you it would have. We live in the internet age, and when mainstream publications are cranking out hit pieces on the public, everywhere from websites to facebook to twitter, in order to try and browbeat them into seeing their social justice sermon then people are going to turn around and tell them to go

And *I’m* saying that it isn’t incredible. They had a hot property, and all they had to do to not fuck up was not shit on the demographic.

It absolutely was one party’s fault, and that was mainly Paul Feig. He wasn’t just going off against legit sexism, he was on a warpath and said plenty of sexist shit himself about guys that didn’t like the movie. He also pretended that women who disliked it didn’t exist, which is also fairly sexist. He was aided in

It really isn’t incredible at all. Sony took a property that could have raked in the jack, and then promptly let Feig shoot it in the leg with his nonsense rants. Jezebel and the rest of the media certainly didn’t help either.

So spend the money on things you like. It isn’t anyone else’s job to elevate your interests on your behalf.

You sound mad.

The Suicide Squad creators didn’t take a shit on their audience. It’s that simple. Jezebel and the rest of the media are also complicit in hamstringing any goodwill this movie may have had.

It wasn’t the quality of the movie that tanked it, it was the hate campaign that the media, including Jezebel, went on anytime someone voiced a criticism of *any* kind. That is NOT how you foster goodwill and cultivate an audience. When the James Rolfe thing happened, I decided then and there that I was not giving

The MRAs and the like made up a small portion of the overall criticisms, but that didn’t stop sites like Jezebel from jumping on a dogpile against anyone that voiced them. This giant clusterfuck is entirely the doing of the media and Feig, and THAT is what made people give this movie the middle finger. Salon, Jezebel,

Who’s gloating? I’m not *glad* the movie tanked, but it did deserve it after the hate campaign that Feig and co went on.

Its simple, don’t shit on your audience. They actively made people hate them because of that. It could have done well, but when you go around calling people like James Rolfe “entitled, misogynistic manchildren” then they aren’t going to support you.

Sounds like Feig is the one that needs to get over it. People weren’t interested, and then they actively started hating it when Sony and news sites world wide started a hate campaign over the criticisms. The James Rolfe thing was when I personally decided that this movie wasn’t seeing a dime of my money.

Sony and Feig especially went on a warpath against anyone and everyone that had anything negative to say about it, regardless of the criticisms. The James Rolfe thing was a major boiling over point for many people, and the movie became a target due to the creators’ hatred.

And that’s what happens when you take a steaming dump on the demographic and label them as hateful people despite whatever their complaints are. Feig is going to take it in the ass from Sony over this shit, not that he’d complain about it.

The next movie that numales and legbeards decide to butcher in the name of an agenda, most likely.