
All the reviews I read of the ID.4 are “meh”. The Tiguan is actually a nice little SUV for most people and it sells very well. Too bad it was a replacement for the All Track wagon. Discontinuing that great looking wagon with a manual transmission was a loss for all of us.

Bingo - companies don’t want to train people, then complain about a “shortage”. They also don’t pay well on top of that. They want someone else to pay the bill for training.

The race started at 8:00PM local time...

Not sure where you live, but that only occurs in some intersections here: those intersections where the pedestrian must push the button to trigger the “wall” signal.

I'd argue it's pretty reasonable to expect more from people behind the wheel of 4,000lbs of steel, given that the likelihood of a driver dying due to a pedestrian collision is basically nil, while the reverse is not. 

Statements like this ignore that traffic itself almost never follows traffic laws. What percentage of people never speed, roll stop signs, always signal, never block the box, always immediately pull over for emergency vehicles...

Kind of hard to do when the driver has their eyes glued to the left and is only concerned about oncoming vehicles, with no consideration for anything that exists to the right.

$7,500 in federal income tax is a single person making $70k with zero dependants and zero tax minimalizations. Realistically, you can make upwards of $75k-80k and still not pay $7,500 in federal income taxes.

This is some victim blaming bullshit, and assumes that all pedestrian strikes occur when the pedestrian is entering the cross-walk from the “right” side of the road.

I will defend the left turn arrow. No it’s not warranted at every single intersection, but it is really necessary in certain spots where you would probably need to sit through 4 or 5 light cycles before you could even hope to get a gap. 

This is, entirely, a problem with selfish idiot drivers who refuse to accept the primacy of safety over all else. It has absolutely nothing to do with “right on red”. The selfish idiots will find a way to get you regardless of the laws on the books. The solution is far more rigorous driver testing and re-testing than

Bullshit.  Tons of people buying vehicles in the $30-40k range don’t make near enough to get a full $7.5k tax credit.

I’ll be honest with you, on long trips it’s usually obvious who isn’t using cruise control, and they kind of drive me crazy. Cruise keeps things orderly on the interstate. 

The ‘98 McLaren wasn’t “better aerodynamically” because it was longer. It was that Newey realize that if you make a car narrower (as was required by the regs that year) you have to make the wheelbase longer to maintain cornering stability (chassis/suspension wise, not aerodynamically). He even states as much in a

Very few of us are driving over 150 miles on a daily basis which is the comfortable real world range for even the lowest range popular BEVs on the market.

And I’ve seen car drivers run cyclists off the road, brake check them, park on marked cycling lanes, etc., etc., etc. The biggest thing I’ve had to put up with is drivers screaming about how cyclists expect to be treated as equals on the road while not staying perfectly within the strictures of that state’s motor

but all they’re doing is transferring their risk of injury to me as a pedestrian. And I absolutely resent that.”

This that incremental progress centrists love touting?

Again, I’m guessing that $40k number isn’t real. It was something like, “We need to save $XXX per year” and then someone just divided that by the sales volume of the time.  I’m not saying it’s easy, but I don’t think they plan to reduce their actual unit build cost by $40k.

I’m wagering that a large part of it is simply scalability. I doubt they actually lose $33k every time they sell a truck. The $33k number likely just comes from their revenue minus expenditures divided by number of sales. Meaning, if they sold one additional truck, their expenditure would increase by $80k (or whatever