
Not a bad wheel, but certainly not even close to the best Audi wheel. I mean off the top of my head, you’ve got the B5/B6 S4 wheel which is way better I think:

Not a bad wheel, but certainly not even close to the best Audi wheel. I mean off the top of my head, you’ve got the B5/B6 S4 wheel which is way better I think:

Be honest, was it bravery or stupidity?

You think O&G is gonna walk away from the single biggest market in North America? California knows why gas is more expensive there, that isn’t what the government is going after. Record profits are brought up because California thinks these companies are gouging everyone, not just Californians. However, California

I mean, the Porsche 918's V8 is super cool and probably one of the best absolute performers, but the fact it is so exotic, expensive, and had so few design constraints honestly kind of diminishes the greatness for me. The SBC, LS, and LT are so impressive because they have to be every day useable, every day reliable,

I’ll go with the obvious here. GM’s SBC, LS, and now LT engines. Relatively small, light, powerful, torque-y, reliable, cheap, versatile, no exotic technology to deal with, any mechanic can work on it, parts are everywhere, you can easily buy a crate motor direct from GM or from a million other suppliers, etc. Sure,

IDK, have you seen the Silverado?

Bad take. GMCs actually sell pretty well and earn serious cash for GM seeing how they are all trucks and SUVs. With minimal investment GM can make essentially styling changes (and a few actual material/option changes) to a Chevy and charge a pretty good premium for it. For the most part, they look better than their

I still think Cadillac should have put a LT1 V8 in the CT4 V Blackwing, and given the current TTV6 Blackwing motor into a Buick; it would be more on brand for both companies.

The guy couldn’t even straighten the floor mat so it’s not all cocked up. This is an add for a guy whose wife/girlfriend/etc told him to sell it, so he lists it for absolute top dollar and goes back and says “See, it wont sell!”

I don’t think I want to see what a further cost engineered Tesla interior looks like. Sitting in one now it’s already readily apparent they tried hard to cut interior costs and it’s blatantly obvious that all your money went to the powertrain. World class powertrain & batteries, OK economy car interior.

Or Bob. Geee....., let me think.

The interior and motor weren’t the only problem with the Compass. It’s ride is sloppy at best, it’s chassis is probably the least ridged in class and the whole car shudders over bumps, it’s kind of an odd size in that it is smaller than most others in its class, and it’s also not particularly well priced now that lots

This is the kind of stuff that stops me from watching Formula E. It’s got too many gimmicks (this, fan boost, etc), too small of tracks in parking lots, too short of races.

Gene Haas is perfectly content staying at the back of the pack, so long as you do it on the cheap. He doesn’t want to risk more money in hopes to place better. Apparently Mick’s low pay wasn’t making up for his crashes. Picking up Hulk just screams “I don’t mind placing 8th, but please crash less cars doing it.

That is a HUGE amount of money and I’m calling BS. Even if you had to upgrade the service at your house and wanted to install your charger a football field away from the panel with no clear easy way to route wire for the new circuit, I don’t think I could see it reaching $10k.

VW just needs to buy up Rivian and transform the R1S and R1T into Scouts. Boom, problem solved.

Nice to cruise in? No, not unless your idea of nice is very different from most people. But fun? I would say absolutely.

If this was a pre-1981 Blazer, I’d be all over it for $19.5k. Unfortunately, the market for old SUVs and Blazers has been hot and sadly for us normal folk $19.5K seems like market rate for 81-91 Blazers. I mean, this one is in pretty nice condition, but not so nice that you would be scared to regularly drive it.

I genuinely don’t know, but do solar panels actually reduce the effects of heat islands? They are ultimately still dark objects that get warm/hot in the sun, no? Does the PV effect mean they heat up less?