Honestly, active cruise control and lane departure warning w/ recentering.
Honestly, active cruise control and lane departure warning w/ recentering.
Ok, I’ll be the dummy since I know nothing. I am assuming that GFC is somehow related to Aero Continental or possibly even the same people own both companies? Is that right? Or what does a law suit with Aero have to do with GFC?
Yeah, that has incorrect data.
This sounds about as realistic as microstamping casings for firearms. Lobbyist and the companies selling it swear it’s feasible and totally reliable when in reality I’d bet everything I own it’s not.
I mean, it’s 17 years away. Look back to 2006 and see how much technological improvements we make. Back in 2006, would you think you could get a 680hp, 2L Mercedes that also gets like 30mpg? What about an electric F150 that can go 400 miles and is also faster than any other F150 has ever made? I mean, I’d be right…
More warranties need to be like Porsche. They don’t give a shit if you track your GT3 365 days a year, because they actually designed it to be truly used as advertised. They don’t care that you did 50 back-to-back launch control, full throttle starts on a 115 deg day in your Turbo S either. They actually honor their…
Which is almost a foot longer, way wider, worse turning circle, good bit more expensive, gets way worse gas mileage, and is pretty uncomfortable. It’s just a way bigger and much more truck like. It’s like saying you should consider a 4Runner because you can’t find a Rav4.
Is a Model T actually hard to find parts for? I was always under the impression that it was always pretty easy to find parts for as well as there aren’t actually that many parts - at least compared to something newer let alone a modern vehicle.
No, there are electric corded hammers and air powered harms as well as cordless electric hammers. Sure, if you go back far enough hammers were cordless because they were manual, it doesn’t mean they all are today. It’s similar to how a hand drill used to be “cordless” just because they were human powered.
Ram TRX? RWD, 700+hp, expensive, enough room to stupidly kill yourself and 4 of your friends (plus more in the bed if you’re extra dumb), tires that can’t keep up with the weight and power on the street if you’re doing dumb things, light rear end, will steam roll people/cars/houses if you hit something insuring…
Explorer also costs like 50%-75% more than a Maverick. You should be comparing Maverick margins to Escape & Bronco Sports which are more comparable in both size, performance, and price.
So you’re blaming a guy who doesn’t want to wear out the batteries in his car, which is probably his 2nd largest investment and that he also depends on to provide him with a wage and only realistic way to get around; and not the power company which has been historically under investing in its capital projects &…
Seems odd that $15k is the “low cost” first car price threshold. I understand that used cars are more expensive, and probably in a bubble right now, but certainly there are plenty safe and reliable first cars for half that, right? Yet they only listed two vehicles under $10k. And just quickly skimming AutoTrader, it…
Based on this article and Duke’s press release, it doesn’t sound as cushy as you describe. No where does it mention Duke will pay or reimburse for the energy they take from your truck. I mean, I doubt they wont, but it would have been nice to at least clarify it since this is so new. If you assume they do, they also…
Yeah, as much as this sounds great, I’m not letting a company put wear and tear on my stuff just so they can save a bunch of money and only give me a measly pittance. Pass.
What? Next you’ll be telling me rich people like the Kardashians don’t get tax breaks, cuts, carveouts, and loop holes the rest of us pleebs can’t.
It said 5 seconds of pedal to the metal to get from 122mph to 130mph. That actually sounds pretty reasonable for what I’m assuming is an E350 coupe.
Alcantara wears like ass. Just because you can afford the car doesn’t mean you want to keep replacing the steering wheel ever 10k miles when it starts to look like ass again. And it clearly isn’t electrical tape, it looks like it’s handlebar tape from a bike. Sure, not perfect, but better than having to continually…