
Haha, you seem to have misunderstood the term equality! :P “Some animals are more equal than others” and all that.

Especially since the headlines I read are GamerGate investigation yeilds nothing, since we’re doing nothing wrong

So... the FBI report states that trolls with no affiliations to either pro-GG or anti-GG were being jerks to everyone else because they could, much like the anarchists who disrupted both Obama and Trump’s innaugeration weren’t for either political side as they “just wanna watch the world burn”.... and Gizmodo is

But even the FBI couldn’t find evidence of any threats written by people who supported Gamergate. Can you? For that matter, there’s no evidence that Gamergate as a movement supported or encouraged any threats against individuals.

Or maybe weepy blogs like Gawker (RIP), Gizmodo, and Kotaku were far overstating the threat a bunch of nerds angrily hashtagging from their parents’ basement posed in an effort to make themselves out as victims?