
That isn’t the one he got arrested for hitting. The one he hit was on his side.

The redeeming part of watching the world burn is seeing Jezebel and the worst of the social justice warriors lose their minds. At least it won’t be a boring 4 to 8 years.

You might wanna look up the the stats on black on white crime and the reverse.

Someone did something nice to someone! Quick, let’s assume their motivations and tie this back to Trump somehow!

Uh, gamers aren’t the ones that go crying to twitter and Patreon when they get disagreed with. SJWs have turned that into a viable livelihood if you market it well enough.

Those damn straight white males! REEEEE

I agree. I also enjoy seeing rioters get shot, BLM supporters getting maced, and anarchists getting their skulls cracked.

So did anyone catch the clip of the rioter that got shot outside the Milo speech? Pretty cool stuff.

Right. And cooking toast makes me a chef.

Oh no, some people didn’t vote for my candidate, better burn some bridges.

Make video game journalism great again. Let’s build a great firewall and put the bloggers outside it.

It’s probably more appealing when you say that with your legs around his flabby hips.

So is Jez going to report on the woman that got probation for raping a 13 year old boy? Because this has been a recurring theme with female rapists and you guys not reporting on them, and yet you guys did over a dozen articles on Brock Turner.

So is Jezebel going to report on the woman who got probation for raping a 13 year old boy? Seems hypocritical not to, given the outrage over Brock Turner.

That isn’t how elections work. Millennial bloggers in CA don’t get to unilaterally decide things for the people in the midwest that grow the food for the rest of the country, or the people elsewhere that actually contribute things of value.

I’m curious how a feminist site squares it’s beliefs with Islam. Can someone clear that up for me? I imagine the progressive stack plays a role.