
Sounds like you’ll be able to accept hearing that this article is total shit.

Nice to see good ol’ fashioned Republican family values haven’t changed.

Whales like him are the biggest reason these p2w crap games exist.  

I’m old. I just want my turned based RPG games back. I really tried to give Remake a chance, but the battles make zero sense to my brain. I got passed the first reactor explosion and called it quits. Here’s hoping they use the Octopath engine for SNES remakes. Give me FFVI (and IV/V) Remake in Octopath engine and I’ll

When Kotaku called the store on Monday, someone answered saying that it would be open again soon and directed us to contact the communications firm Longacre Square Partners, which specializes in topics like investor relations, shareholder activism, and crisis management. A representative of the firm refused to offer

Prospective buyer: “Hmmmm... has your company won any awards?”

This release has been an unmitigated disaster for DICE. I’m done with them after this BS, and I can’t even get a refund now that the product they sold me is no longer the product they marketed me.

Because it’s a girl and a large portion of her viewers happen to be men. They would watch her watch an off-screen television and donate money if they felt she was attractive or were parasocial psycho enough to just cuddle up with a blanket and watch someone they don’t know do random things.

This is how Kotaku’s

I think what pisses off so many people is that she *is* smart. She knows what she’s doing and she does it well and she knows when and where to jump in and jump out.

Can we call this what it is? She made her money making mild sexual content for kids under 18. Is that all that watch her? Of course not but lets not pretend it’s not a large portion of her audience. Lets be real. She’s a borderline pedo and it’s gross.

If you’re currently a PS Now subscriber then Sony sends thugs to your house to rough you up for asking too many questions.

Now playing

FUCK all these current gen games, the TMNT collection looks AMAZING! Day one for sure

Well, as long as I have to have PS+ to go online, I’m glad it gives me a game every so often (I maybe want 1-2 each year, of the ones offered).

The Madden curse eventually gets everyone.

I really enjoyed this game’s story. For all the jokes about it being knock-off brand Avengers, it really did a good job of making the characters its own and coming up with a novel take on the universe.

It hasn't been the same for me since the jump to the PS3, but PS2-era Winning Eleven was amazing

Although I don't play much football/soccer, I always preferred the PES games over FIFA. Sad to hear it's going this route.


Readers: “Fuck, I hate website slideshows.”

That’s awesome!

A little presumptuous of them to assume the matchmaking is working and there are enough people still playing to get a lobby together to actually execute this...but awesome nonetheless.

For the record, I’m one of the few still playing, and I do love the game, despite its many faults. The Hawkeye DLC that j