
"Jim's gone on his honeymoon. So I started borrowing his office to fart in."

Maybe that's his and only that goal, his shows may end forgotten, but you'll always remember being shocked and surprised by those stuff, rather than remembering their "complex story".

I didn't even need to read this.

The A.V. Club

That final part of Fry's video is written on Fry's Spanish Wikipedia section.

The A.V. Club
Stop it, stop it, it's fine. I will destroy you!!!

That reminds me of Farnsworth talking to his so close new crew back on When Aliens Attack:
"Sorry, check back in three days, a week at the most."

How can't you love AOIII?
I like Wizzin because it's a twisted kid's story.
They broke it be giving Zoidberg a wepon, so he felt really confident haha.
Then you have Bender acting as Bender trying to use it to steal from all of them, only for the Professor to give him the money.
That's how real world works and the writers

My comment has not been aproved, but I said the same thing, it's been brilliantly animated.

How can't you love AOIII?
I like Wizzin because it's a twisted kid's story.
They broke it be giving Zoidberg a wepon, so he felt really confident haha.
Then you have Bender acting as Bender trying to use it to steal from all of them, only for the Professor to give him the money.
That's how real world works and the writers

How can't you love AOIII?
I like Wizzin because it's a twisted kid's story.
They broke it be giving Zoidberg a wepon, so he felt really confident haha.
Then you have Bender acting as Bender trying to use it to steal from all of them, only for the Professor to give him the money.
That's how real world works and the writers

Just wanted to add that the Professor's line about the “Family” is technically correct, “family” comes from “Latin” word “Famuli” which means something like a “group of slaves that live on certain place together”.
I bet Patrick Verrone did something there.

Is this about Bonder telling Fry that Bender was alive, just to seconds later ask him how did he feel that brief moment?
Awesome moment haha.

While I don't find "Where The Buggalo Roam" good enough I do love some lines delivered by "the man with no name, Zapp Brannigan at your service".

Oh and there's no mention to the "Evil Windshields Wipers from the Car that Played Knight Rider". I just loved that little touch on The Honking hahaha.