Alan Maxey

If I wasn’t already out on Rings of Power then I would be now. His section was the worst and most boring part of the trilogy of books.

So you haven’t read Fellowship of the Ring? Well, reading it will give you several added dimensions to your understanding of him.

The only exposure I had to Tom Bombadil back from the trilogy days, was he was a hero character in LOTR: Battle For Middle Earth II.

You can if 98% of people are sickos.

Or it just sucks.

1) Your link doesn’t work.

I am absolutely thrilled and humbled that Altered Innocence is helping me bring The People’s Joker to theaters this spring,” Drew said in a press release.

Because you have two functioning eyes.

Why do I have a feeling this will end up sucking?

Yeah, an AI should be able to do things like get math questions right 100% of the time, no matter how such questions are phrased. Here’s how Chat GPT did:

I hope that with time we can all come together in friendship and agree that Doctor Strange 2 was simply not A Good Movie.

Yeah the blood mixing with his giving him powers because....lion? Like, maybe they’ll explain it better in the film but just as a trailer that’s laughable.

Neither side wants the other to succeed, which is one of the myriad reasons we need more than two options. Funny how we persist in clinging to failed binary reasoning in this case, despite overwhelming evidence that the reality isn’t like that. We deserve more than the “lesser of two evils”, but that’s all the current

More likely, it’s like the Hogwarts Legacy situation in that it was a good game if you ignored (or more likely for the general population, didn’t even know about ) the politics. We already know Kotaku and related sites don’t like Chris Pratt for increasingly vague reasons.

This feels really generic. Like it seems like a fake Superhero movie that characters would watch inside a real movie 

Maybe you didn’t realize, but this is a western english language website. Its users have absolutely zero influence on the sociopolitical direction of the Russian Federation. Most readers of Kinja blogs are citizens of the US, UK and Canada.

“Peace is a Russian conspiracy, the military industrial complex is good for the planet. World War 3 is a necessary evil.

It’s an amazingly deep and fun game. My 9 year old and 15 year old daughters are having a blast exploring. Even my 43 year old wife, who doesn’t play games at all, loves going around and collecting things, opening up the map, etc. The long and short is, it’s probably one of the best, biggest, most fun, and most

Not sure why you’re saying fans like it’s ironic. Yes, if the sequel to a series they’ve been waiting on for years comes out and is a fundamentally different type of game, many of them will be disappointed. That’s not new or hard to understand.

I think the reveal of her being a Palpatine was a little.... hammy... but it does make her choosing to be a Skywalker (with Luke & Leia’s blessing, clearly) more impactful.