I would have been happy with a gag. Or even a bit. But we got a quip! You should be grateful.
I would have been happy with a gag. Or even a bit. But we got a quip! You should be grateful.
I'm going to teach my kids prepositions using the truck scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark. He hits pretty much every preposition in relationship to that truck. Below, behind, on, aboard, under, inside, outside, through, before, by, into—try some of your own!
I can't wait to see what they do for the couch gag, though!
Ok, I love this movie, but that is one of the first valid complaints I have read about it on here today. I am totally with you. I especially hate them in fictional stories. Maybe I can understand if it is based on a true story and you are like oh, and this is what Buzz Aldrin is doing now. Cool. Nevermind, I think I…
It had that one guy that only lifted weights on one side of his body though. That was pretty cool, right? Right?
Maybe not worst, but pretty terrible.
All this hate HAS to be hyperbole. If you get a little bored in a movie it is fine to say it was just ok. But I don't understand how people are reacting as if this is one of the worst movies ever. Like, Batman and Robin level of vitriol.
What makes a camera angle "pretentious"? Is it that he thought through the composition before he shot it? And didn't insert a thousand quick Bourne Identity cuts everywhere? Is it that he didn't have a constantly moving camera like Michael Bay?
The cinematography is extremely well done, also. The way colors are used to tie into either of the main characters (green for Willis and purple for Jackson) is done really subtly but lends a cool visual language to the film that also ties into how bold colors are often used with characters in comic books. The way…
I think they might be thinking the script was written by Ayn Rand, judging by the hate.
I agree with you. I had to turn in my AV Club card when I said that there are worse movies than Juno and Garden State.
You guys must have seen a completely different film than I did. This movie is genius. Yes his last few movies have been terrible. But Unbreakable is extremely solid.
It didn't really change that much. Maybe YOU changed!
I live in Salt Lake. And I was definitely offended by the gratuitous coffee drinking. I mean, maybe if it had been done artfully I could understand it—this was just obscene.
Did y'all decide you hated the movie when you saw it? Or did you figure it out once all the commenters said they hated it for years. Because all the hate here seems like one big abyss full of stinking hyperbole to me.
It is a decent movie. Maybe a B-. Saying it is horrible seems to be pretty cool, though. Maybe I should say that too.
I was going to say The Orphanage. But then I looked it up and it is R. Can't remember why though.
Willow is one of the few examples of 80's cinematic fantasy that I actually liked. I hated Neverending Story and anything like it.
Have you guys listened to Dark Side of the Moon. That one is pretty good I heard.
Harrison Ford, with Robert DeNiro as his sidekick.