
Cognitive dissonance, I guess. “Opinions” always seem to outweigh facts.

Man. I really wanted one on launch, too. But those damn bots and scalpers beat me to the punch. Thankful now. Hopefully by the time I can get a hold of a nextgen console, the kinks will be worked out.

“Luckily, you can disable the fancy controller features in the settings.”

You can’t really compare the haptic feedback in spiderman to CoD. Considering the resistance in the heft of a rifle/launcher, to use the scope, and the trigger resistance along with trigger pressure, of shooting constantly. Hand fatigue would probably occur faster.

Just from the picture, at the top of the page, the game looks a little wonky. The players hands and guns look to be cell-shaded, while the enemies look to be “saints row II” era enemies.

 😆😆😆😆people are soooo extra. has it for $34. Gotta use code ignpsn has it for $34. Gotta use code ignpsn

Supposedly the list of games, incompatible with the ps5 is upwards of 150. Also, demon’s souls doesnt have ray-tracing.

It’s the journey, not the destination. If the level cap is what you’re worried about, then sign-in once every new dlc drops, your player level will be bumped up, ignore the game til the next dlc, then sign-in get the level bump, etc.

Oh shit. He knows.

I preordered this game, so long ago, amazon prime still offered “20% off all new release games”

They’re the pros. They’re the ones developing a game, which I know nothing about or what it all entails. So I’ll defer to them. If they need an additional three weeks to deliver to us a polished product, that developers and users alike, can be proud of, then so be it. If they rushed it out, and it had crashes or

Who is stadia, Luna, facebook gaming for? Not the hardcore enthusiasts, they either have a pc or console. A serious question. Would anyone choose one of these platforms over an xb/ps/switch/pc?

Jiminy crickets! You made me, a grown ass 37 year old 6'3" man, afraid to look into the dark, because of what might be staring back. And questioning, “hmm, was that door ajar when I walked by a moment ago?”

I went to tuck in my son. He says to me, pale as a sheet “dad, there’s a monster under my bed” I humor him and say “okay, lemme check” as i check under the bed, my son is looking back at me, pale as a sheet “dad, there’s a monster in my bed”

Snap judgement’s Halloween editions are always good for a spine-tingling chill.

I am just amazed, at the work they put into this game. The art work is balls to the wall, great. I’ve marvelled at the detail in each level, room, etc. And the writing, “c’est magnifique” I’ve reached the end boss a few times, elysium 20+, so on and so forth. And my god, so much is said and has to be said/gets to be

How was shaq-fu more than super metroid😆😆😆 also, those games/prices are still waiting for their first sale discount

It’s akin to eating a 10lb pizza/burger. The novelty and flavor are there, for the first few bites, but after a bit, you’re questioning why you tried it, to begin with, and if it’s even worth finishing. Best to wait for a sale.

I believe it’s cause it’s a kojima made game and konami has to maintain it. And let’s be honest, kojima is nutty and konami is lazy. So something like this was bound to happen.