
I see and say square, triangle, circle, ex. Now, with that being said, I can also see, but not agree with, cross. Because I see the road signs ‘PED X-ING’ which I read as ped ex-ing, but it's really read as Pedestrian CROSSing. So there's that. 

Remember the ghost recon and rainbow six games of 02-06 years? Pepperidge farms remembers. Different times, though. So, I understand the changing of game mechanics and whatnot. Gotta keep the attention of the masses, especially FPS. We got run and gun shooters, cover shooters(remember Winback), FPSRPGs, but im

 Yeah, but this day and age, people can't resist the opportunity to voice their displeasure. Here I am, voicing mine, about people bitching about something they weren't apart of. 

Smash bros is slowly turning into the mugen fighter game. All these characters showing up is awesome! And the fact that they'll continue to add characters, hopefully, from other genres, companys, etc. is nothing but icing on the cake.

Right? I don’t get it. It must suck for those dumbfcuks, with deeprooted issues.

“Was there really nothing more interesting to cover?" Implies that they're journalists. They're not. It's nothing but opinion pieces. They are no more relevant than youtubers and Instagram "influencers". 

Kettle, pot, black. Coming out of the blue, yourself. This was a taco and burrito conversation, NACHOS!

DAMN YOUS, HEATHER!! *sigh*Remnant: From the Ashes..

As I’m reading this, I think of my switch library.

In the grand scheme of life, EVERYTHING is pointless. Cause we all will be dead. And in the next few months a story, then forgotten. So why even bother with anything? Maybe enjoyment, I dunno. 

 What would you expect from entitled douche bag pc fcuks?

 Any idea, of how far out, the "evolution" goes? Prehistoric primates to space travelers? 

Could you imagine a console owner, harassing insominiac, for Spiderman exclusive? No, you can’t. Cause we’re not master pc fcuk bags. Create more software launchers, these crying pussies deserve worse.

In the bay area, my favorite spot is Fuji sushi. I start with shrimp and softshell crab tempura, then a hamachi kama collar. Then the fatty salmon, tuna, salmon skin rolls, seared spicy tuna, then rolls with the rice.

Always said, if he is more Tim brown than T.O. great. But so far, no good.

“Hopefully I’ll be able to adjust..”

 That sucks for you. Live and learn, right? Wait before you buy something. 

Also, what that guy doesn’t know, either because of ignorance or stupidity, is that all the games available, through game pass are discounted as well. So if you enjoyed a game that’s leaving, you can purchase said game. I caint deal with fcukin morons, whose only reason for being is to incite shit.

 Lettuce all just taco minute and calm down.