
T-1000 for Christ’s sake. You’re the second person here I’ve seen screw this up. Whatever geek cred you had is long gone.

Man, I’m getting tired of this DC Murderverse crap. Iron Man and Captain America have killed people in nearly every one of their cinematic adventures, and no one is calling it the Marvel Murderverse. Jesus, the amount of gunplay in Winter Soldier alone had me wincing.

Murderverse? Marvel has killed lots of people as well. All the way back to Iron Man.

I have to agree with him. I liked the way Man of Steel ended.

Came here for this and was not dissapointed

Yay! Somebody with the same line of thought.

He’s coming too? Roger that.

This is it for me. I love MGS5, but for me its the sequel I always wanted to Far Cry 2, not MGS. It captures more of Far Cry 2 in its gameplay (make a plan, things go to shit, improvise and repeat). But where is my melodramatic story? Where are my huge set pieces? When do I get to have a topless fist fight with my