
How the fuck did this article get posted with not a single picture of the subject matter in it?

So true. We didn’t need to know WHY he painted over his mustache, he just DID, and so you knew he was crazy.


Patty Jenkins be walking into the Warner Bros boardroom like


The same thing that happens to everything else?


“The 1985 film gets two versions, the one where they start off and the alternate Biff-ruled version, there’s the throwback 1995 one, the awesomely futuristic 2015 version, and the old western 1885.”

One thing I don’t understand that I keep seeing repeatedly in reviews is that the campaign is short and about 8-10 hours per character. I don’t understand this at all. Right now I am playing as Emily and and just finished mission 4 (out of 10) and I’m at a little over 11 hours. Granted I take my time, loot as much as

so do I and i am not even American, go team Earth

The fun part is going to be figuring out who’s a Host and who’s a Guest.

REALLY surprised they just added a 2 and didn’t come up with another R-based name.

Considering how often you make the same Batman/Superman comment, you’re the last person who should be judging what other people write.

Oh, so it was actually all a plot by Samsung to send people in Korea to their hospitals so they could raise the hospital fees.

This would be the one outcome that would cause me to change my opinion about last season’s cliffhanger.

Boy The Walking Dead has a lot riding on this season premiere not sucking.

An open letter to Evan Narcisse:

Why the sun? It would only take 30 Seconds to Mars

Well now I know why they call it King’s Landing.