
You do know what happens to a toad when it’s struck by lightning, right?

You missed soylent green is people, and the planet of the apes was Earth al along

The title is confirmed to be in plural. The official spanish Star Wars Twitter account confirmed it:

It’s in any way similar to Mercenaries? The way you describe it sure sounds like it. Man, I really loved Mercenaries

Dude, the “Asian chick” is actually Latina. So no problem there

I’m like this too. I’ll spend at least an hour researching Argonian or Nord names in games like Skyrim...

The thing I don’t understand is that if Dennis Lawson hates SW so much, why did the voice Wedge in Rogue Leader?

I’ve read many times what you say... but I’m thinking it doesn’t make much sense: Dennis Lawson voiced Wedge in Rogue Leader! So that’s a videogame and not a movie... but if he hates Star Wars so much, why do it at all?

I bought AK in the Steam Christmas Sale and finished it recently, and it rus great for me. Mostly at 60 fps, with some dips here and there (specially in the Batmobile). I have a an I5-3570K, a Nvidia 980 and 16 GB of RAM. Hope this helps!

You would think an article like this would be written by someone who has seen at least the first movie...

The most amazing fact about this bible is that it could be easily applied to any Batman movie, TV series or videogame and you would end with a greatand faithful product.


Different endings would be great. But the thing with Jack is that when he kills Ross is 1915 (I think?) which definitely is not the Old West. Of course, they could be continuing the themes explored with John, about how coywboys and the Wild West and all that is coming to an end, but it could be to much repetition of

Yeah, Kingdom Hearts titles are a mess. And like you, I really liked when Assassin’s Creed switched to subtitles. AC4 should’ve been called just Black Flag, without the IV, specially since it was a prequel to III.

Don’t get me started on Bourne. It really irks me that the new movie was called just “Jason Bourne” and not “The Bourne (insert cool word here)”. That was lazy. If Bond 25 is called “James Bond” the uproar will be huge.

hehe, I would’ve just settled with anything starting with Re

You’re probably right. But I really liked the original naming scheme they had going on (Revolver, Redemption). That, and in general I’m not a big fan of just adding numbers to titles for sequels.

Yeah, really disappointed the title is not Red Dead Revenge or Red Dead Revolution or something like that.

I kinda hope that Neegan kills them all and the series ends.