Ryan Schuster

I honestly think it is one of the best 3D movies ever.

He is not just a Lord of the Rings star. He is a legend.

I'll just listen to the Charlie Brown christmas theme and walk with my head down slowly.

"I'm a person and my name is Aragon…"

Is Chevy Chase featured on a track??

What about Teen Wolf Three?

What about a Warren Beatty cameo?

I heard they are making a movie of that :shudders:

I want Man of La Mancha or 1776 as the next musical…

I read that Bill Murray considers it his worst movie.

Some great video game ones are- GiantBombcast, Weekend Confirmed, Retonauts, and 8-4 Play,

I think Ron Burgundy is now the dominating personality in Will Ferrells body. He has taken over full-time.

The unrelated Rockstar game is better….

I just want a good film version of the musical.

Hey, he was in Ghostbusters!!!!

I want Ra's Al Ghul!!!!

I hope his beloved show House of Lies does not get canceled.

Just get Tony Clifton to sit down with Anderson Cooper and we can settle this once and for all.

Andy Kaufman is going to star in Army of Darkness 2 and Ghostbusters 3.

They will all end up with the Wii U when this is all over.