Ryan Schuster

Anybody else get the feeling we are going to see Gus Fring on this show?

They should do a Wonder Years/Mad Men crossover where Don Draper does business with Jack lol.

What About Bob is an underrated Bill Murray comedy.

You were right, it's not impossible.

This show should be a TV Club review feature.

HERE I COME TO SAVE TH……. wrong mouse.

The red ones were a pain to deal with.

That too. I've just been playing a lot of Castlevania lol.

Those skeletons gave off a real Castlevania vibe. I wanted Simon Belmont to jump out and whip them.

Walking Dead gives me a Lost vibe though WD has much weaker characters.

Halt And Catch Hadouken

Yeah, it was fine I guess. But it kind of went through the same thing the show did already with the Borg.

Now he can send money to us who sat through 4 terrible TNG movies.

Whitney :shudders:

100% agree.

She-Hulk is the perfect character for a TV show. Make it happen ABC/Netflix.

Louie, use iTranslate!!!!!

I'm just happy he did not crap all over LOST. I loved every second of it including the ending. When a new episode came on, it was like Christmas!

Godzilla 2: No Boring Lead Character This Time!!!!

We just want Blood Dragon 2.